[hider=Roy] [center] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/F4x9Arw.jpg[/IMG] [i][h1][color=662d91]Roy Carter[/color][/h1] Roy is 6'0 flat weighing in at 160 lbs. [h1][color=662d91]Age[/color][/h1] 17 [h1][color=662d91]Gender[/color][/h1] Male [h1][color=662d91]Personality[/color][/h1] Roy is a rather cold and blunt person at first and it takes a lot for him to warm up to people. He is also very ambitious always aiming to be number one at everything. When he meets new people he makes a full body evaluation, those who he perceives as strong he will do his best to surpass in power while those he feels that aren't on par with his power he will disregard them until proven otherwise. Roy can be aloof in the beginning, being cool and distant, it takes some time for him to actually see someone as a friend and warm up to them. In battle he doesn't speak much and is focused with a cool mind, he pays close attention to the battle field always keeping awareness of his surroundings and how he can use them. HE has a sense of humor and you can catch him smirking at things he finds amusing. Roy has a lot of pride and chivalry and doesn't find it fun fighting those who are weaker than him, he hates to fight dirty and will always battle straight on. [h1][color=662d91]Backstory[/color][/h1] At a young age Roy had many things taken away from him, he was once sweet and innocent but at an early age he was thrown into reality, forced to grow up fast in order to survive in life. His father was a wave caster, known for his ability to control gravity. His mother was a architect that was known for her ability with a sword. With great fame comes people who wants to destroy it. Both his parents were murdered for bounty, forcing Roy to began living with his grandfather at his dojo where he would learn swordsmanship like his mother did. Unlike other kids, Roy spent most of his time on training and studying rather then playing with other kids his age. Life with his grandpa straight forward and peaceful for. He was pretty strict and they didn't get along much at first but things ended up straightening out. As time passed and Roy got bigger and stronger his grandfather grew weaker until he fell ill and was bed ridden. Roy spent less time training and more time with his grandfather until the day he passed on. Roy was thrown into deep sorrow as he watched his Grandfather passed on with his own eyes. In this moment he had awoken his ability. his great desire for control and power awakened this ability. The same month the institute came looking for him, explaining that they could help him use his power effectively, Roy accepted the offer. He began the long and hard path of revenge, striving from the path his parents lived. [h1][color=662d91]Equipment[/color][/h1] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=22828469]Iron Katana[/url] [h1][color=662d91]Abilities[/color][/h1] Proficient Swordsman- Roy has been training with the sword for many years and has proved proficient in battle. [h1][color=662d91]Channeller category[/color][/h1] Wave caster/Architect(Later) Description of power- Roy has the ability to control gravity whether he wants to make it heavier or reverse it, because he only just recently awakened his ability he can only control a radius within 10 feet of him. Fire blasts, energy blasts, and Etc are able to pass through the gravity field freely. [h1][color=662d91]Names/descriptions of moves[/color][/h1] Gravity well- Roy spreads his energy into a small radius, inside the radius is where he can increase or decrease the gravity. Grounding weaker or stunning weaker foes while slowing down those who are stronger. He can only use his power in small intervals, 5 seconds is how long he can keep it up right now then he must take a 2 minute cooldown period before he can use it again due to his lack of experience with it. Not Learned yet- Black hole- Roy conjures up a black ball of energy that has strong gravitation attraction, it is able to pick up loose earth or objects and pull people towards him if enough energy is put into it. If hit with enough power they can be destroyed. With training he can increase the amount of black holes he can produce and they can used every 10 minutes.(3 posts) If they are to be destroyed they take 45 minutes to construct anothee leaving Roy without this skill for the remainder of a battle. Burakkubādo[Black Bird]- Roy summons a sword capable of holding up against his gravity powers, this sword has high energy requirements and will slowly sap at his energy while it is summoned. Other:None[/i] [/center] [/hider]