Luke's face flashed from excitement to blankness as he turned to Jenso abruptly. "Your mother?" He asked, but knew exactly what to say afterwards. Luke was a big man, it took a lot to put him off the wagon, so he often acted like he was smashed for the sheer enjoyment factor. He cleared his throat and rested both elbows on his knees. "Your mother.. Ah, she was a tough woman. Lived in Orobo, with her brother, Bobba- You know him already," Luke nodded. He realised what that meant a moment later and shook his head. Turned out that Bobba Jr and Jenso were actually Cousins, not that it mattered in the least. "She helped Bobba out with all of his magical studies, got kind of ancy when he would leave for months at a time for the paradise. 'Course, Bobba couldn't tell her were it was, but he also couldn't keep it a secret. So, I offered to show her the place myself, and make sure she didn't squeal. Haha, that was a big mistake, or maybe it wasn't?" He mused, looking at Jenso for a moment. Luke was already rambling, showing exactly how drunk he actually was. "Your mom was uh.. She was a spirited woman. Never took no for an answer, never backed down, and never wanted to hurt anyone who aint asked' for a hurtin'. She reminds me of you, a little, actually.."