[hr] [center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/c2c53ab75edea90f34b55ada499274cb/b2vgxrn/OxHnb7bw5/tumblr_static_201n9n9linz4kok008o4g888c.gif[/img][/center] [center][h3] " School of Magic "[/h3][/center] [center]--|/\|--[/center] [center] So what I was thinking for this RP was a small town in, Japan holding a very rundown Magic Academy that no one other than magical outcasts go to. The main adventure lies within the students who go to this said academy and complete various tasks from a mysterious witch who resides in the school. [Character Sheet] Appearance: Name: Age: (Your character has to be 16 or older. ) DOB: (Set in present time) Background: Magic: (Try to be simplistic. ) Magical Equipment: (If your character has a staff, wand, etc. ) [/center] (Please suggest ideas! :D )