Man that's a monstrous collab, congrats to everyone involved! [@Ariamis], ever since I started VLR I found that I could totally imagine K as Mondatta and vice versa, which is fun. The game itself too. Yeah. Super fun. Any inactivity on my part in the upcoming weeks can freely be attributed to it. [quote][color=897691]"Well, I'm going off first impressions here... I think the poet looks like quite a charmer..."[/color] [color=pink]"Isn't he!"[/color] Mary interrupted, blushing. [color=pink]"Oh, sorry, please continue, hehe."[/color] Noel giggled a little, then thought for a bit. [color=897691]"Besides him... No, I think that's all, really."[/color] She said looking at Mary, blushing slightly as well.[/quote] [i]Well hellooo there![/i]