[hider=Sigurd Lucetta] Name: Sigurd Lucetta Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2cpc8rm.jpg[/IMG] Despite his somewhat shorter stature of 5’2” and lithe build, Sigurd seems to have a ridiculous amount of strength, based on the bulging, oversized leather rucksack that he carries around constantly. He wears a black hooded cloak on top of his dark green shirt and black cargos, and usually walks around in thick-soled, leather boots. His eyes hold an intense, unblinking gaze. Likes: Studying, Cooking, Food Dislikes: Waiting/Doing nothing Personality: Silent and largely expressionless, Sigurd’s thoughts are generally conveyed through gestures and pantomime. He has a genuine curiosity in learning everything about everything, which plays a part in his abnormal perceptivity. Although he gets bored in the instant that he's not doing anything, Sigurd is surprisingly patient when it comes to teaching and trying to communicate with others. He is surprisingly competent in a variety of fields, but can be somewhat of a perfectionist, correcting any mistakes that he sees as soon as possible. He never compromises when it comes to food. He is obsessed with machinery and magic, spending his free time creating unimaginably intricate devices that combine the two. They can perfectly imitate the actions of living creatures, which is a feat in of itself, but he considers them incomplete since they do not have any thoughts. His greatest dream is to create a machine that can think on its own and has emotions--artificial life. Background: The second-born son to an noble family of mages, Sigurd's inability to use magic disqualified him from inheriting the position of house head. Despite this, he was still held in high regard due to his innate talents. Sigurd completed his education early, and was left with an excessive amount of spare time which he used to delve into a variety of topics on his own, including the subject of mechanics. At some point during those days, he decided to watch the house's servants do their jobs. Interested by it, he began to help them with their work--cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc--and reached an incredibly high level of perfection. He also began to mimic the manners and movements of the servants, carrying himself gracefully. Seeing an opportunity, his parents used their connections to send the 10 year-old Sigurd over to the castle as a servant. During his stay at the palace as an incoming recruit, Sigurd's skillset widened even more. He became a curious sight at the Royal Guard's training grounds, visiting on his rest days from the royal servants' training in order to copy the training of the knights. When jokingly asked if he wanted to spar as well, the knights were shocked when he actually did so. Sigurd's weapon experience was developed there, along with his unexpected strength. As a servant, Sigurd quickly caught the eye of the head butler, and was eventually requested to act as an attendant to Prince Adam. Their relationship started somewhat distant, but the two quickly became close friends due to their shared interest in books. Weapons/Tools: A spear short sword Morningstar Kusarigama and a pair of heavy, clawed gauntlets. He’s also basically carrying an entire cooking station inside of his bag(pots, pans, knives, portable grill, etc). Magic/Abilities: Sigurd has monstrous perception speed, essentially seeing everything in slow motion; he can move with a higher degree of accuracy, and reacts incredibly quickly. He can learn, if not improve upon anything after seeing it just a few times. However, he lacks the ability to use magic. Other Items: Textbooks, writing journals, cooking supplies, various medicinal herbs, and a box of jumbled metal parts. Other Info: Sigurd can be absurdly foul-mouthed.[/hider]