[@Joshua Tamashii] - [i]Night[/i] The woods watched the little scene that was taking place before them, and soon enough it was apparently time to part. The Trevenants and the Phantumps waved after them, some more hesitantly than others while some were doing it wholeheartedly, but nonetheless the shiny Phantump and Amelia were wished well on their journey. Laurinda stood watching with a neutral expression, before then nodding as Amelia turned back to her. [color=c5b9c7]‘Alright. Next time you come in here will be by your own power. Let’s head back, then.’[/color] Laurinda said, turning to walk. And so, they’d possibly move on. First, it was… [hider=Wilted Woods][center][h2]Wilted Woods[/h2] [url=http://i.imgur.com/K0Vr0JW.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/K0Vr0JW.png[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Deep Infested Woods, known Pokémon]Common: #708 Phantump #709 Trevenant #710 Pumpkaboo #711 Gourgeist Uncommon: Rare:[/hider][/hider] The trees were as dead as ever, and the presence in the midst of the woods tugged on Amelia’s mind. Yet, she could move. And, looking, she could indeed see the small swarms of Pumpkaboos, going about their businesses in groups of greatly varying sizes, but they all moved as if with some purpose in the night. [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/df/710Pumpkaboo.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/71xboGl.png[/img][/url][/center] And Trevenants all around, and Gourgeists floating about in the woods. Because of the purported malicious nature of the Gourgeists, Laurinda ensured their trail avoided them at all costs. But, it was still possible for Amelia to stop if she wanted to. On the way back, they’d come back to where Delphox stood watch over all the burned Pokémon from the Deep Infested Woods. They were doing alright. If Amelia hadn’t stopped to move on, then they’d soon be in the next kind of wood. [hider=Deep Infested Woods][center][h2]Deep Infested Woods[/h2] [url=http://bloodlinev.deviantart.com/art/Kilika-Woods-260799971][img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/a15a/f/2011/272/c/8/kilika_woods_by_bloodline_009-d4b9ujn.png[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Deep Infested Woods, known Pokémon]Common: #13 Weedle #14 Kakuna #15 Beedrill #269 Dustox (night) #313 Volbeat (night) #415 Combee #416 Vespiquen Uncommon: Rare:[/hider][/hider] In the Deep Infested Woods, Dustoxes flew and followed the Volbeats, the dust leaking down onto the floor of the woods and poisoning everything. Once again, Chandelure and Trevenant would cooperate to make a path so that the humans could pass through safely. Then, soon enough, they’d reach… [hider=True Infested Woods][center][h2]True Infested Woods[/h2] [url=https://i.imgur.com/bEcHqK6.jpg][img]https://i.imgur.com/MT6pPtF.png[/img][/url][/center] [hider=True Infested Woods, known Pokémon]Common: #167 Spinarak #664 Scatterbug Uncommon: #168 Ariados #204 Pineco #543 Venipede #544 Whirlipede #588 Karrablast Rare:[/hider][/hider] The tight woods of the True Infested Woods were easy to traverse with Laurinda in front, Chandelure scanning everything and burning numerous Spinarak traps. Assuming that Amelia had no reason to stop here, they’d soon enough be back where Amelia had started the journey into the woods. [hider=Outer Infested Woods][center][h2]Outer Infested Woods[/h2][/center] [center][url=http://i.imgur.com/bMm3W60.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/VnhgcpJ.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Original description]The woods glows. Almost everywhere you look, there are shining lights swirling around the trees, flowing along the winds of the woods. It’s a bright dance of yellow light that encompasses everything forwards, shielding the woods from being peeked further into. The floors of the woods are naturally wet, the waters of the Dragon Lake flowing south and nourishing the woods, giving plenty in the kind of water needed to sustain the woods, and the puddles are excellent for the breeding of bugs. That is the kind of world you’ve stepped into. So, there’s a metric tonne of Volbeats flying in every perceivable direction, the combination of water and tight woods shielding sunlight causing them to light up in massive numbers. One could almost see where the sweet aroma of Illumise could be smelled in the air as the swarms flew steadily in those directions, before circling back. They were so many, it made the lights shine in numbers enough that one barely saw anything other than the moving lights, causing the woods to glow. You weren’t alone in having sought out the Infested Woods. Here and there, bug-catchers or just regular trainers were doing their best to catch whatever Pokémon they desired. The first area of Infested Woods was low-level. It was almost impossible to not see at least one Caterpie crawling along the forest-floor or the trees, and if one didn’t see them it was because of the light of Volbeats. There’s a hut standing there, on the outskirts of the woods. There’s a sign on the outside saying “We’ll heal your Pokémon for 100 P!”. … Looking at the influx of bug catchers, it seems they might have invested in a fairly successful business venture. One could travel across the outer parts of Infested Woods to get closer to the Wet Caverns. There was always the possibility of delving deeper into the Infested Woods, further south… but are you prepared for that?[/hider][/hider] [hider=Original night description]At night, Outer Infested Woods glew brightly yet still. Volbeats tracked their Illumise, and in the night they dared drift higher. A few Illumise were competing with one another having their Volbeats create patterns, of spheres, triangles, spheres with triangles sticking out around like a sun in the night sky, formed like a large human in the sky or like star signs created on whims. It was quite the display, and on the ground it was accompanied by the music of Kricketots hitting their antenna together, causing it to sound like a gentle orchestra of xylophones. This was a display that simply wasn’t able to be experienced during the day of Infested Woods. There were numerous humans around, even at night, sitting around smiling at the skies with each other’s company just to experience this spectacle of sound and sight around small campfires to keep warm.[/hider] And, yes, it was still night-time. If they came this far without any Amelia deviating from the route, Laurinda would finally turn to look at Amelia where she was and with a new partner. [color=c5b9c7]‘This is as far as I’ll take you. I’ve seen some… interesting things tonight. I’ve never seen the ghosts act that friendly with someone before. I consider it a valuable experience. Thank you for showing me that.’[/color] Laurinda made a brief bow to Amelia. As she did, the Chandelure and the Trevenant looked fairly pleased and happily at her. Of course, both the big ghost-Pokémon were also attracting a few stares from the more trainers that were around in the Outer Infested Woods. [color=c5b9c7]‘If that was all, I wish you good luck on your continued journey. Myself, I’m dreadfully tired so I think I’ll go crash in the hut. They offer sleeping services for humans, too.’[/color] Laurinda said, before turning to walk towards the hut, not actually waiting to hear if it maybe wasn’t all. If Amelia had any more questions or so, she could stop Laurinda before she went too far. If Amelia had decided to not go all the way back but stop somewhere along the line to do something, then she could do that and postpone the rest of this post until she actually heads back. Otherwise… it was time for a new choice. Noted that it is still night. [hider=Suggestions to actions]1. Find Pokémon. [i]Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search.[/i] 2. Train Pokémon. [i]With this command, we can jump ahead in time and skip posting about grinding.[/i] 3. Seek trainers. [i]Though most people around here seems to just be people enjoying the view together or alone.[/i] 4. Talk. [i]There are some people around, enjoying the evening in the woods. Maybe speak with them if you want.[/i] 5. Move along. [i]Move along normally, letting any events that may come happen naturally.[/i] 6. Hurry along. [i]Intentionally avoid confrontations and try to get safely to the next destination.[/i] 7. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 8. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 9. Area Specific: Heal at the hut (100p). [i]It’s still open at night! 24 hour support![/i] 10. Area Specific: Delve Deeper. [i]What might await in the deeper regions of the woods…?[/i] 11. Area Specific: Enjoy the Show. [i]Volbeats are making patterns in the skies, Will you stay a while and watch?[/i][/hider] [i]Connected areas: [/i] Route 2. [i]Not too far off.[/i] Wet Caverns. [i]A little further off.[/i] [hider=Outer Infested Woods, known Pokémon]Common: #10 Caterpie #265 Wurmple #313 Volbeat #314 Illumise #401 Kricketot (night) Uncommon: #13 Weedle #165 Ledyba Rare: “Queen”[/hider] __________________________ [@Pyromaniacwolf] The guy looked at Lucian for a couple of seconds while the girl struggled, but eventually settled for gaining a little smile. [color=b35647]‘… Heh.’[/color] The guy simply made a noise of minute amusement as he pulled his cigarette back to his mouth and leaving the girl to recover from the coughing. It took a number of seconds, but the girl could eventually look from the guy to Lucian, trying to consider what to say. [color=6aa697]‘W-we were attacked.’[/color] She said. [color=6aa697]‘A, uh, couple of trainers attacked us with no provocation despite our reluctance of fighting with them. They weren’t following the rules of battles, they were just violent. We had to flee, but… my Ducklett distracted them so that we could get away.’[/color] The girl looked at the cave with worried eyes and back at Lucian. The guy behind her briefly raised his eyebrows at her and then continued smoking with a neutral expression. [color=6aa697]‘If you follow the wetter routes, you should find where we had to leave him. If you do find him, uuuh…’[/color] She made a noise before reaching into her pocket, producing a wet paper. She grimaced a little, seeing the poor condition of the paper, but yet handed it to Lucian (if he would accept it). On it was a number written under the name “Mia”. [color=6aa697]‘Then call me. W-we won’t be going back in there, though. Not with them there.’[/color] She said, looking at the entrance again before back at Lucian. [color=6aa697]‘... Beware a girl all in white and a guy in blue jacket.’[/color] She warned him, before stepping back to beside the guy. [color=6aa697]‘Allan. Let’s go.’[/color] She said, turning around to dash, not along the road. [color=b35647]‘My, my, Mia. Gave your phone-number to a random guy who was just a little handsome? Didn’t think you were so bold.’[/color] He said while pinching and throwing his cigarette before turning to go after Mia with one last curious look at Lucian. Mia simply shot Allan a glare but then ignored the statement, intent on getting off the road. Of course, Lucian could try stopping them from leaving with questions if he felt like it, or act just about in any way he wanted. It’s all up to what he wants to do.