[hr][hr][center][img]https://s3.postimg.org/50tlljshf/horrors_of_cove.png[/img][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a8/20/91/a82091c921ad5875eff029f2c8aaa65f.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@Pundii][/center][hr][hr] Good, very good my children! You have stumbled upon something perhaps incredibly significant, to the extent that it would feel unfair to give you another clue here. But do not fret--there are still clues imbedded in this, clues as to the identity of the murderer, clues as to why this place, of all places, has seen so much woe. For Alstoba, it was all in the name, was it not? It meant Always in War. I wonder perhaps what Coventry might mean... Andromeda nodded a bit, glancing at her hands as she pondered how to spin this tale. Ever since she had become aware of necromantics, she always wondered whether there was perhaps a bit of truth to it. Maybe it wasn't just a legend--perhaps it was actual history. Andromeda had dedicated her life to the uncovering of the bizarre--but the strange was no longer a myth. Merely something peculiar. [color=9999ff]"Alright. Coventry was founded back in 1662 by Tobias Fairfax. The man was an alcoholic and a gambler, and the town attracted those of similar dispositions. But he fell in love, as all men do, with a gypsy. He meant to marry her and she bore his child out of wedlock. In an effort to keep the town from finding out, he killed her."[/color] She paused for a moment, ensuring that Emmie wasn't being overwhelmed by the information. [color=9999ff]"But with her dying breath, the gypsy cursed him and the town, promising that her child would avenge her. Of course, he thought little of it, but sought out the advice of a priest. The town was blessed, but in 1691, when the child turned seventeen years of age, Coventry burned to the ground. No one survived the flames, and according to local legend, if you listen softly in the middle of the night, you can hear the woman whispering [i]Amirya.[/i]"[/color] [color=00ffcc]"Has Valeska been living up here?"[/color] Aloise muttered to herself, as they poked around the attic. There were blankets and books left about, with small half eaten bags of chips and other goodies. There were changes of clothes, as well as an old map of Coventry, and a small notebook. All in all, it had just about everything a runaway would need to keep going. "Seems like it, don't it?" Keenan agreed, limping slightly as he moved around the attic. The pair of them were completely alone up there, and he frowned, trying to find some sort of exit. Unless the girl was hiding in the wardrobe, there was nowhere that she could have gone off to. There didn't seem to be a suitable exit, with the window boarded up. [color=00ffcc]"You don't think she has...deviances, do you?"[/color] Aloise asked, frowning in confusion. Meanwhile, as Eudora opens up the wardrobe, something fascinating will occur. The gypsy charm will glow ever so slightly, and as its light touches the wardrobe, the outward appearance disappears. The coats and hats are replaced by a softly glowing purple and blue tunnel, a tunnel that appears to extend indefinitely. There is a powerful magic aura radiating off of it, one that will inspire discomfort in both the Prophet and the Fallen Angel. There is something unnatural, something wrong, something forbidden about it. But for the witch, it will instead feel beautiful and extravagant. Like a mystery, a secret, something wonderful. The question is, of course--will you go inside?