[@BlackSam3091] Messaged you a bit ago about our RP project as well. No mention of Donna in your sheet though? *shakes head* [@The Kid Lantern] Finished my sheet, hope it passes muster. [hider=Silence] [b]Name[/b] - Davitus [b]Alias[/b] - Silence [b]Age[/b] - 16 [b]Sponsor[/b] - Mister Miracle [b]Personality [/b]- Pragmatic, Determined, Brooding [b]Experience [/b]- A lifetime of combat training, two years as Mister Miracle's protege [b]Powers [/b]- As a New God, Davitus has a variety of natural abilities. Davitus is biologically immortal and ages at an incredibly slow rate but can still be killed. He is also immune to mundane toxins and diseases. His reflexes, agility, senses, and endurance are superhuman. He isn't quick enough to dodge bullets but he is fast enough to easily avoid a gun barrel. He can run faster than any Olympic sprinter and his acrobatic ability would put any traceur to shame. Short of a lost limb, Davitus will eventually fully recover from any non-lethal injury and in far shorter time than a human. Davitus can lift around 1500 pounds with strenuous effort. Because of his upbringing in Granny Goodness' orphanage, Davitus has remarkable pain tolerance and incredible stamina, able to carry on fighting with wounds that would leave normal men unconscious and ignore extreme heat or cold. Davitus can move extremely quietly as befitting one who was trained to be an assassin since childhood. Meditative techniques taught to him by Highfather help Davitus center himself and calm the demons within, while also allowing him to slow his heart-rate. Davitus's equipment includes a skintight full-body black and grey suit made of a New Genesian fabric that can camouflage him in any environment and provides some protection against mundane weaponry; though advanced technology can easily penetrate the light armor and sustained conventional weapons fire will pierce the suit. As long as the suit is not completely destroyed however, it will eventually regenerate. The suit includes special adhesive material on the gloves that allows him to scale rocky outcroppings or buildings with ease. Davitus is capable with all manner of weaponry but his primary weapon is a metal staff that can emit a burst of concussive energy that can be either non-lethal or lethal; and can also shorten to baton length or extend a monomolecular spearhead. Davitus also carries a monomolecular sword strapped over his shoulder for situations requiring deadly force. Two blades can extend from hidden compartments in Davitus's wrists. A wide variety of hidden knives and daggers are hidden all over his suit so that whatever the position of his hands, he can quickly draw and throw a blade within the blink of an eye. Anti-gravitational Aero-discs can quickly extend from the soles of the suit to enable him to levitate and travel quickly but the device is noisy and impractical for stealth missions. Last but not least, Davitus has a Mother Box strapped to his belt that acts as a multi-purpose super computer and allows him to open a boom tube. The Mother Box is linked to his nervous system and is a comforting voice in Davitus's head. [b]Weaknesses[/b] - Bullets and piercing weapons can injure Daevitus and sustained conventional weapons fire would kill him. Advanced weapons technology can still harm him as well; and like all New Gods, Daevitus is particularly susceptible to the mysterious substance Radion, a direct hit would severely injure if not outright kill him. Furthermore, while Daevitus is usually stoic and reserved, his experiences in the Orphanage have left him heavily scarred and there is a great rage abiding deep within him. If he is enraged enough, Daevitus' tactical training, patience, and methodical nature go right out the window and he throws himself into danger without any second thought. Davitus' often experiences nightmares and lives with a paranoia of recapture that hangs over his head on a daily basis, and he is almost incapable of relaxing outside of a mission without the aid of meditative techniques and his Mother Box. Extreme psychological stress can cause Davitus to relive his horrid childhood which would render him nearly helpless. He is slow to trust and prefers working alone, which can prove disastrous as a member of a team. [b]Appearance[/b] - As an Apokoliptan, Davitus is an unnerving mirror of humanity. His skin and hair are as white as bleached bone while his eyes are a bright gold. A prominent scar runs above and below his left eye while much of his torso, arms, and legs are covered in various scars and burn wounds. An Apokoliptan brand remains over his heart, a sinister swirling emblem that is a daily reminder of his life as a slave. His form is lithe and athletic, as he was constantly half-starved as a child but forced to train intensively every day. Davitus is not unattractive, with high cheekbones and a strong jaw, but his face has a haunted quality to it that is more eerie than alluring. He stands at just under six feet tall. Davitus' Silence suit is black with grey accents and covers his whole body, and is a simple skintight ensemble without a hood or cape. The fabric of the suit covers his face but like Mister Miracle's allows him to speak clearly and is startlingly life-like in quality. Davitus' golden eyes are the only portion of his body that can be seen clearly under the suit. [b][b]BRIEF Bio [/b][/b]- Davitus was born on the fiery hellscape that was Apokolips. Unlike most of the planet, his parents were not Lowlies, who were on the absolute bottom rung of Apokolips' rigid caste system. He was the product of a purely physical affair between one of Darkseid's warlords and a Female Fury. If life had been kinder, Davitus would have grown up in relative comfort and luxury, groomed to one day command legions of Parademons and Hunger Dogs and represent his house on the field of battle for the glory of Darkseid. Unfortunately for Davitus, his father was already married and did not particularly care to enrage his homicidal wife by bringing a bastard home, while his mother lived to serve Darkseid and was not allowed to raise a child. And so like so many Apokoliptan children before him, there was only one place for him to go. Granny Goodness' Orphanage. There are no words to adequately describe what Davitus endured. Every day brought agony, misery, humiliation, and loss as the Orphanage indoctrinated the children and broke them down to nothing. He was starved, forced to either fight or steal to get enough to eat. He was lashed or beaten for the smallest infraction or simply on a whim. Any friends he made either died, were broken into willing slaves, or turned out to be spies meant to trick him or inform on him. At night he went to sleep with the sound or roaring flames and screams reverberating in his ears. Every time Davitus fought back against his jailers, he was brutally beaten down and thrown into a hole with no food or water and only retrieved right when thirst would have taken his life. Eventually Davitus learned to be quiet, learned to step quietly and in the shadows to avoid the lashes of the guards and the attention of stronger orphans. And all the while, the rage grew. Unlike most, he was not cowed, and Davitus attempted to escape. He murdered his first man when he was still a small child, using a knife stolen from the guards' belt. He was caught and beaten, but then Granny took personal interest in him. Granny took him on as a personal ward for she saw in him the potential to be a great tool for Darkseid. The punishment was even worse than before, and Davitus was pitted against all those children who could one day be warriors of Darkseid, encouraged to lie, betray, and steal. Davitus was forced to train with weapons, forced to learn to endure torture. He learned how to kill quietly and coldly. How to melt into the darkness and strike with no warning. Failure was met with immediate reprisal. And so Davitus honed his skills, became a weapon. And every once in a while, Granny would favor Davitus with food or gifts if he had done well. The anger remained but Granny stoked the fires and directed them against his apparent rivals. She convinced him that the other candidates were threats. And so he killed them. His hate for Granny turned to devotion, and like all of Granny's children, he learned to love Darkseid. He became a willing tool. He would have remained so were it not for Mister Miracle and Big Barda of New Genesis. Before he would have been old enough to leave the Orphanage, the pair infiltrated the facility with a New Genesian strike force in a massive jailbreak. Davitus was one of many sent to kill the intruders. Mister Miracle was too formidable an opponent however and Davitus was handily defeated. Many of the freed orphans urged Miracle to kill Davitus or leave him behind, as Davitus had become one of Granny's most bloody and fanatical enforcers. Yet Mister Miracle took pity on the Apokoliptan slave and decided to take Davitus with him, along with the other children they had rescued. When Davitus woke, he was in New Genesis. He immediately tried to escape but had been locked in a cell designed by Miracle himself. A cell that was spacious and comfortable, more so than any accommodations in the Orphanage, and afforded him a view of the fertile world of New Genesis. Davitus cursed Miracle's name and vowed to kill him, but the man known as Scott Free was not deterred and visited him every day. Highfather himself often came as well. They both tried to calm Davitus, tried to ease the fire and hate within him. Highfather often induced a trance in Davitus and entered his mind, trying help ease the nightmares and pain plaguing him. Davitus resisted, being desperately loyal to Apokolips, but after nearly a year of intensive healing and calm conversation, his resolve started to break. The New Genesians kept him fed well, showed him kindness and compassion even as he plotted to escape and kill them. They gave him books to read and music to listen to. For the first time in his life he knew mercy and peace and quiet. He went to sleep to the sound of birdsong rather than screams. Apokolips started to become a memory that he was becoming more and more eager to forget. Eventually Miracle opened the door to his cell. Several months past, Davitus would have tried to wrap his hands around Miracle's throat without a second thought. As it was, he simply tried to escape. But Miracle caught him and, while handcuffed and under guard, escorted him on a tour around New Genesis. He took in the beauty of it all, the kindness of the people, and he wept. Davitus swore loyalty to New Genesis and Mister Miracle took the young former assassin under his wing. Davitus learned to balance his anger under the guidance of the New Genesians and further honed his skills under Mister Miracle's tutelage and was even given a Mother Box, who became a close friend. Davitus created his own costume and name, calling himself Silence, and accompanied Mister Miracle on daring missions against his former masters. Eventually, Miracle determined it was time for his protege to join him on Earth as a hero. After a few months of stopping petty crime and conducting minor raids, Miracle determined it was time for him to start working with other young heroes. [b]SAMPLE POST[/b] - [color=00aeef]"What do you think?"[/color] Davitus leaped down from his perch onto the roof below, each foot landing directly on a man's back. Their heads bumped off of the concrete as Davitus drove both men down to the ground with his feet. He grabbed the backs of their heads and slammed them into the ground once more, knocking them unconscious. He used their bodies as a springboard, jumping through the air at two other thugs at the other end of the roof. The men's backs had been to Davitus and they were only just turning around when Davitus' body launched into one man's torso like a hammer. The man crumpled and Davitus rode him to the lip of the roof. A quick strike to the face and he was down. The man's partner recoiled and even managed to raise his gun when when Davitus' fist connected with his kneecap in a sickening crunch. The man stumbled to the ground and his head fell right into Davitus' kick. The blow connected right with the thug's jaw and he went silent. Scott had dispatched all four men on the opposing end of the roof already and asked again, [color=00aeef]"Come on, tell me what you think?"[/color] [color=aba000]"We are on a mission."[/color] Davitus unsheathed his staff, the metal pole extending to full length as the young hero crept to a nearby skylight. He peered down over the corner and through the glass and saw almost two dozen humans, most of them with guns, packing crates full of Apokoliptan weaponry into crates and loading them into a nearby truck. Intergang had received a new shipment of weaponry from their masters on Apokolips, and anything they didn't keep would make its way through the criminal underworld. Unless Davitus and Scott stopped them. Davitus breathed in slowly, ignoring the impulse to jump in through the skylight and start bashing heads. There was a plan to follow. Scott scoffed, [color=00aeef]"What this? Child's play. We could have done this in our sleep. No, this is important. I want to know what you think?"[/color] Davitus said nothing and Scott chuckled, "[color=00aeef]"That bad huh?"[/color] [color=aba000]"They're children. Worse yet, they're mortal children. Small-minded, bickering, undisciplined. I do not want to fight side by side with them."[/color] [color=00aeef]"You haven't even met them yet. And do you think our people are that much better? If we were, we wouldn't even be having this war."[/color] Davitus said nothing and Mother Box spoke up for both of them to hear, [color=662d91]"Scott is right Davitus. They are our allies, it is only right that you take this opportunity to learn from the Earthborn and assist them in their mission. It would do you good to finally meet the people who will stand with us against Apokolips. And it is time that you interact with others your age." [/color] Scott nodded, [color=00aeef]"If you're going to defend the Earth, you need to learn more about it than what constitutes a threat. You need to make friends. Comrades who will stand besides you against the darkness of this universe, as the Justice League have stood with me."[/color] After a long moment, Davitus sighed softly and nodded, [color=aba000]"Very well. I will join this team. But now, we have a mission."[/color] Scott smiled, [color=00aeef]"That's the spirit."[/color] Scott pressed a button and the lights in the warehouse went out as Scott threw down spheres past the glass, the bombs releasing smoke and flashes of blinding light. The men below cried out, stunned, and Davitus and Scott jumped down. Davitus knew this was going to be easy. Meeting these other young heroes was going to be an entirely different matter. [/hider]