[@Dynamo Frokane] So you'll be playing a male akin to the age of BD's female? In the 17-18 age range. I'll be taking the other Hoshido sibling who's more Grey's character's age range. I'm not sure about the other person who asked about being a retainer, haven't heard back yet. [@BurningDaisies] I suppose I would...as long as it's not too cliche you know? Like they were used for experiments and now have trust issues or did something bad and was then cursed as punishment like Nyx happened to be because she was too powerful and cocky. Your beastkin wouldn't be in the royal succession though right? EDIT - nope, no limit! The more the merrier. In fact I'd encourage us to be able to make side roles we bring in from time to time if our 'party' wants a fresh coat of paint so to speak.