[hider=Veniktor Haines] . Name: Veniktor Haines Age: 98 Appearance: Veniktor has mid-length black hair, dark eyes, pale skin, no cybernetics, and is average space marine height. His expression is usually fairly flat, but he is not unfriendly. His seems to still have the demeanor of a mortal, rather than a battle-hardened warrior-machine that is a typical Astartes. he is properly respectful and obedient. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v178/Wraithblade6/raven_guard_assault_marine_by_diegogisbertllorens-d67ltjj_zpsl81th53r.jpg[/img] Desired position: Assault marine, battle brother. Equipment: MKVI Corvus Pattern powerarmor, jump pack, eviscerator, boltpistol, krak grenades. Abilities, Psychic or otherwise: Also trained in tactical and devastator roles, but best at assault and therefore comfortably relegated to this role. Nothing wholly impressive or unusual, but seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Personal History: Like many of his brothers, Veniktor was recruited as a child from Deliverance, the moon of the forgeworld Kiavhar, homeworld to the Raven Guard in the Segmentum Tempestus. It was tradition in his family that the eldest male child be submitted for potential recruitment. It was an honor to be chosen, but at first, he missed his family. He wouldn't admit to it, for it was shameful to be caught still looking back, daring to hold any reservations about joining the Emperor's legions. Time passed and Veniktor eventually came to understand his personal attachments as the manifestation of a broader love for all imperial citizens. He fights aggressively, always keeping the notion of being their protector foremost in his mind. Still young, he has not yet seen his first century of true warfare, but has fought well so far. He volunteered to join the new chapter, having heard that the Lord Commander received a vision from the Emperor himself on Terra. He knew that warriors were needed for the new founding, and being relatively fresh himself, he would be better able to adapt to the change than his elder brothers. For Corax. For the loyal people of the Imperium. For the Emperor. [/hider]