[h2][center]~|Nar Shaddaa, Veenra|~[/center][/h2] [h3][center]~|Day 3, 6[sup]th[/sup] Hour|~ [u]Zora Nox[/u][/center][/h3] Upon hearing Fa sigh, or was it a snort as it was difficult to tell, she tensed and her fingers curled about her colored balls. She paused in her movement and stood standing just off her seat as the reptile Jedi spoke. The words continued to amuse her since she found it impressive that the Jedi believe herself influent enough to both threaten the Republic Senate into obeying and prevent the Jedi Council from countering her current deal, mostly because it was the council that held the power. If they didn’t agree with the deal, they wouldn’t back this obnoxious Jedi’s attempts to carry it out and then she was screwed. Besides, it was unheard of to her of any Sith making such a ridiculous deal. Despite her calm demeanor, every nerve was alert and wired for survival in the event she was allowed to leave peacefully. Zora chuckled at the Jedi’s words, “There’s a still a chance of her both learning and killing you instead. On top of everything you’ve said, I find it very hard for a single Jedi, no matter their rank, to be able to something this huge. I rather take my chances living on this rock then piss off a Darth.” With that, she decided to bide her ‘guest’ a good bye, “Thank you for the amusing story. It did make sitting here more tolerable and I haven’t had a good laugh for a while.” She began to move toward the front door. Through Zora appeared casual, the moment she spotted movement heading toward her or got a sixth sense of danger then her fingers would tighten and the first ball would drop. Until then, she would slowly eased herself out into the busy streets and melt into the crowds heading to their morning jobs.