[center][color=9e0039][h1]Angélique's Week[/h1] [h2]Part 2[/h2][/color][/center] [hider=Wednesday, September 9th] [hider=Chapter VII: Awakening of an Angel] [center] [color=9e0039][h1] 𝒜𝓃ℊℯ𝓁𝒾𝓆𝓊ℯ ℒ𝒶𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒸ℯ [/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Fb1UXSA.png[/img][/color] [color=silver] [hr] 𝕊𝕖𝕡𝕥. 𝟡, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / 𝕌𝕊𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕃ℕ 𝔼𝕒𝕤𝕥 / / 𝔸𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝔻𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕤 - ℝ𝕠𝕠𝕞 𝟛𝟘𝟘 / / 𝟘𝟞𝟛𝟘 [hr] [/color][/center] This night had been quite unusual compared to the others so far. One thing was constant though. It would seem she will never get a peaceful night of sleep, as her dreams still were plagued by nightmares, no matter how different they were. Instead of the usual sight of someone looking very much like a twisted version of herself laying waste a city by supersonic screams, she was now facing a very familiar scene, one that she wished to never see ever again. [hr] [i] She woke up one morning after a very troubling night. Her sleep had been assaulted by very realistic dreams, visited by a seemingly invisible creature that seemed to offer her two choices. In one path, she was showed a way to bring harmony all around her through the use of her voice. On the other path, she was promised to walk the road of a destroyer, one who would bring an end to all conflict between humankind and put down the ravaging monsters. It had been a conflicting choice, in all of her sleepy haze. Bringer of Harmony or Destroyer of Dissonance? Many before her, artists and musicians alike, tried in vain to bring people together with music. How would she be any different from all those singers? Only through magic she could achieve change. But not any kind of magic. It needed to be strong, powerful beyond words. [b]It needed to bring an utter end to threats[/b]. Fortunately for Angélique, she noticed something changed about herself before anyone got to see it first. When she went to the bathroom for her morning beauty care, she shouted in both horror and surprise when she found that infamous “X” mark drawn onto her throat. At first, she was in disbelief, and tried to wash it down, pretending to herself someone pulled a prank on her during the night. She soon faced the truth when, no matter how hard she tried, the mark would never come off her neck. Fearing for her career and herself, Angel hid that mark as best as she could. Makeup was used as a temporary solution, until she got her hands on a large leather collar that would cover up the mark on her throat. She wasn’t ready to tell her fans about her sudden transformation into a Subnatural. If that secret come into light, her whole life would radically change, many fans would reject her due to the poor popular opinion about Subnaturals and especially X-marked. Despite this sudden twist of fate, the now-rising Canadian rockstar tried to live her life as normally as she could. Some questioned that new addition to her look, but with her convincing personality, it was quickly dismissed as part of her punkish style. However, things changed over the next days. During her singing rehearsals, she found out it had become easier for her vocal cords to achieve high-pitched notes. She was even able to reach peaks with her voice she had never explored before. Members of her band were impressed, and some even suggested catching the audience of their next homecoming concert by surprise by working on that new note for a song Angel had been working on as a surprise gift for her beloved Montréal’s fans. Then it all came down to that fateful day. Angel was standing on stage, stress knotted in her stomach, as it was the first time she would give a concert as a Subnatural. She was a transparent person, she hoped she could simply tell the crowd who she had become, but she feared change, as much as she preached about it in her songs and interviews. In the end, she was a coward and a hypocrite, just like all the others before. It was at the climax of the concert, as she sang her newest song and the crowd was shouting and whistling loudly in approval, she activated her power to its maximum extent. Lost in the heat of the moment, she let out this inhumane shriek that was supposed to be that high-pitched note she had been working on days ago. It was chaos. The crowd at the front rows was decimated by the sonic wave unleashed from the newly-awakened Subnatural singer. Not because of her voice, but because of the high-tech gear surrounding the front row that blew from the sheer vibration of the intense scream they were broadcasting, sending plastic shrapnel to the poor souls standing there. The rest of the crowd suffered light damage; some were deafened because of their eardrums gave out from the intensity of the shriek, and the lucky ones felt nauseated as their brain couldn’t fully withstand the sonic assault. Just like that, the career Angélique Lachance tried so hard to build crumbled before her eyes. Caught in panic, the singer choked on her tears and collapsed in the middle of the stage like a crying mess, until the police came to take her into custody.[/i] [color=silver][hr][/color] Angélique woke up with a panicked shout, tears trailing down her cheeks. It had been a nightmare, a very realistic one. As a matter of fact, it was no mere nightmare. It was a vivid memory of what had happened three weeks ago, just before she was convicted to be sent at USARILN for being an unstable X-marked. How she came to suddenly dream about that day was unknown to her, much like how dreaming never really made sense to her. For days, ever since she had become an Aberration, she always dreamt about bringing relieving destruction to the monsters plaguing her nightmares. Why did it changed now? Was it because of Ernest bringing up what had happened in Montréal and made her lose control of her emotions? Angel had a hard time figuring just how that mind of hers worked anymore. She was fucked up, ever since that mark on her throat appeared. She wished she just could be the normal girl she had been back then. How laughable was it now to think that being one popular lead singer was something to be considered 'normal' now that she knew what it was like to be a Subnatural. Still, today was the start of a new day. She'd be damned if she would let nightmares drag her down and isolate her into her room all day long. She needed to get out, get some fresh air, train some more, anything than staying alone in the goddamned room. Putting on some leggings and a tight-fit T-shirt, she was off to do her morning jogging. [/hider] [hider=Chapter VIII: The Berserker and The Banshee] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/28qjKqU.png[/img] | [img]http://i.imgur.com/Fb1UXSA.png[/img] [h1][color=palevioletred]Zoe[/color] | [color=9e0039]Angélique[/color][/h1] [color=silver][hr]𝕊𝕖𝕡𝕥. 𝟡, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / 𝕌𝕊𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕃ℕ 𝔼𝕒𝕤𝕥 / / 𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 ℤ𝕖𝕣𝕠 / / 𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟘[hr][/color] [sub]Collab by [@Lasrever] [@Riffus Maximus][/sub] [/center] Zoe had been at Ground Zero for a while. Not long, but long enough to figure out that she was a hell of a lot stronger. Her hands tore through flesh like it was barely even substantial. Her range had improved as well - she'd kept breaking things down much further away than she used to. And then there was the new ability that she wasn't even sure how to describe yet. Yeah, she was a lot stronger. Either way, the bloodlust had faded for the moment, so she was looking for something else now. Specifically, one of her classmates. She'd caught sight of the singer when she'd walked in, but figured it made sense to deal with her own issues first. Now that she'd done that, she figured they might have some things to talk about. Deciding to stay a fair distance back for safety's sake, she took a moment to watch what the other subnatural was doing before she called out. [color=palevioletred]"Spend a lot of time out here, or was it just a bad morning?"[/color] When Angélique arrived at Ground Zero, she was in a foul mood. Her morning had been troubled by her stigma, and she couldn't keep up with her daily training routine in such a state of mind. After enduring her ever-growing frustration and working out half-heartedly, she came here to vent out all this anger and grief she was keeping inside. At first, the ex-rockstar had been screaming shrieks of primal fury out of her system, but as she kept on screaming her lungs out, the intensity of her shouts seemed to diminish. Until she was standing still, silent, seemingly contemplating the damage she had done to the building in front of her. Glass shards from broken windows littered the floor along blown out doors and trails of displaced dirt in the wake of her sonic waves was what stood in front of the screamer mage. Clearing out her throat a few times to get the benign itching in her vocal cords out of the way, Angel almost jumped in surprise when she heard someone call out to her. Turning her heard, she recognized Zoe. The black-haired Mage saw her earlier, when Angel arrived at Ground Zero, chasing down the "ghosts" of this town's past and melting them down with frightening efficiency. But for once, Angel didn't want to engage in talking. She hadn't been in the mood to cross other people's way. However, now that she was done venting and her mind felt clearer, she somewhat welcomed this surprise arrival. As a matter of fact, Angélique wanted to speak to Zoe about some things, ever since the Flags n' Seek matchup she had witnessed. She wanted to set things straight, confirm some things. [color=9e0039]"Both, actually. As hard as it is to admit, I've been coming here more often than I would've liked. To get this pent up frustration out of my system and to train with my powers."[/color] Angel answered with surprising honesty about her whereabouts. She was however curious if Zoe was here for the same reasons. [color=9e0039]"How about you? Have you come to douse this fiery aggression out of your system? Or did you have something else in mind?"[/color] [color=palevioletred]"Self control, I guess. Figured I wasn't helping anyone by putting it off any longer. After all, I've got more than enough aggression to go around without making things any worse, right?"[/color] Zoe grinned, glancing around the area. Despite her words, she seemed to be remarkably unbothered by the statement. It wasn't like the knowledge of how she operated was new, after all. [color=palevioletred]"Other than that, I wanted to find out my limits. Don't know about you, but my powers have been changing, and I'd rather know how much. Can't exactly go around testing them on you guys."[/color] [color=9e0039]"Yeah..."[/color] Angel trailed off, seemingly caught in her thoughts about her growing powers. She too noticed things seemed to have been changing about her screaming abilities as of late. And there were those waking nightmares she kept having, happening randomly. [color=9e0039]"So you have noticed as well? It seems the more it goes on, the more potent my powers are. I haven't had the chance to fully understand them yet. It's just that... I don't know how you can manage to use your abilities on... them."[/color] Angel glanced towards the fake people, seemingly running about in panic because of the visiting subnaturals wreaking havoc on both buildings and people alike. [color=9e0039]"I know they aren't supposed to be here, but still, they feel too humans, too real. In reality, it's like those people are trapped inside a time loop. It... just doesn't feel right for me to go around and scream their eardrums off."[/color] Angel's gaze slowly turned back to Zoe. [color=9e0039]"Well, I was just about trying to figure out my limits too, now that I'm feeling better."[/color] [color=palevioletred]"Yeah. Can't say I'm not thankful for it - If my powers didn't start changing when they did, I'd be some monster's lunch right now. Gotta wonder how far it goes, though. I don't get the feeling it's anywhere close to done changing, and I don't know about you, but my limits are already a whole lot harder to reach."[/color] That felt like an understatement. If Zoe's powers had been on this level even during the game, she doubted everyone would have made it back. Zoe grimaced, her expression darkening for a moment. [color=palevioletred]"As for the rest, I'll get back to you when I figure out how to kill a building. Not like I've got many other options here, and trying to pretend I do just means I snap on people that actually matter. As you've seen."[/color] And she couldn't afford to do that again. From everything she'd done out here, she knew she couldn't. Or maybe that was a convenient excuse to avoid thinking about how much she enjoyed it. After a moment's pause, Zoe sighed in irritation. Seemed like something was on the singer's mind. [color=palevioletred]"Listen, if there's something you wanna say to me, say it. Don't dance around the subject, it's a waste of both our time."[/color] Angel was caught off-guard at Zoe's sudden approach. The young woman knew she was emotionally transparent, but not that much. In turn, Angel sighed exasperatedly. [color=9e0039]"Look, I'm new to this whole Mage thing. There are times I wish I had more control over myself. I'd like to say I've got nothing against you for acting the way you do, but that would be a lie. What you did to Aaron on that night, to Gregory Monday, that's what I have a problem with. You remember what you said on that night after we fought and lost some of our classmates? About protecting friends? Just how can you expect people to believe those words and look up to you when you act like this? You might not give a damn, that much you made it clear to me, but teamwork is based on trust. We won't survive out there by simply relying on our individual powers."[/color] [color=palevioletred]"Didn't have you down as the bleeding heart type."[/color] Zoe snapped, before realizing she probably wasn't helping her case with that. [color=palevioletred]"And I'm certainly not looking to be a role model. As for the violence, well... It doesn't contradict what I'm trying to do as much as you'd think. But it definitely went further than I wanted it to."[/color] She paused, strolling over to a nearby pile of rubble and taking a seat. [color=palevioletred]"If you want an explanation, you'll have to be willing to hear me out. You can ask questions, but leave calling me a dumbass or whatever until the end."[/color] She smiled slightly. [color=palevioletred]"Deal?"[/color] [color=9e0039]"Hmph, that's not the first time I'm hearing that."[/color] Angelique grumpily replied. She heard those kinds of remarks enough times already from her entourage that she finally accepted being soft as part of herself. Imitating Zoe, Angel pulled an unhinged door she blew earlier and set it on the ground near to where Zoe had been sitting. [color=9e0039]"Deal! I'm all ears."[/color] She agreed, rather enthusiastic. Truth be told, she didn't expect her classmate to explain anything to Angel. It made her the more eager to listen to what the berserk Mage had to say. See her point of view, her side of her story. [color=palevioletred]"Don't get too enthusiastic, I'll get stage fright."[/color] Zoe chuckled, amused for a brief second before growing serious. [color=palevioletred]"Okay, first thing. Assuming you're not a moron, you've probably guessed that part of it's down to what goes on up here."[/color] She tapped her head. [color=palevioletred]"I'm not gonna go into detail, 'cause frankly that shit's personal. But for now, let's just say mine gets worse the closer I get to people. Which is where the issue comes in."[/color] [color=palevioletred]"You know how long it takes me to kill someone?"[/color] Zoe's eyes stayed fixed on the ground as she spoke. [color=palevioletred]"A second, maybe two. Then boom, dead as a doornail. Even the strongest person needs time to react. You with me so far?"[/color] At first, Angel frowned at the redhead's coarse language as she talked, but she could hardly say anything about, considering she was the same at times. It sure was an inconvenient Stigma though. She silently nodded at Zoe's predicament. [color=9e0039]"I-I see. That sucks, big time. Does that mean you were holding back on Gregory, or you power grew since then? It felt more than two seconds at that time. But fuck, bone began showing just before you got shocked..."[/color] [color=palevioletred]"A little of both. My ability's gotten faster, but it didn't take too long before, either. As for Gregory... I can tell you that I didn't plan on killing him, but also that I knew exactly what I was doing. How you take that is up to you."[/color] She remembered it pretty clearly, of course. Flesh tearing, bone brushing her fingertips. Visceral, stigma-driven joy. It was difficult to forget that kind of rush, for better or worse. [color=palevioletred]"Mind if I continue?"[/color] [color=9e0039]"Oh yeah. I'm sorry. Please do."[/color] Angel apologized for the interruption. She wasn't too sure how to react to Zoe's reply, but the ex-rockstar figured that an Aberration's thought process was more complex, due to dealing with the Stigma. [color=palevioletred]"Fact is I've always had a temper, even without magic messing with my head. It's unsafe. Lashing out's an easy way to make sure you guys don't come close enough to make it an issue."[/color] She smiled bitterly. [color=palevioletred]"No-one wants to hang around the psychopathic bitch, right? So there. Reason number one."[/color] She finally looked up, curious to see her classmate's reaction. Hearing out what Zoe had to say, Angel's thoughtful traits turned into something more compassionate. There was no way Zoe would indulge herself into making herself into a martyr, right? She looked like a strong woman, who could get what she wanted if she willed it. As a matter of fact, Angel thought she was seeing a bit of herself in front of her. The same damn stubbornness she had before. Upon realizing this, Angélique's serene face showed a smile. [color=9e0039]"I'm no psychologist, far from it even. But from what I've been hearing, you sound like you are doing this to yourself. You may have a temper and some issues, but no one is going to approach you if you chase them away by lashing out."[/color] Angel paused, wondering if she was just about to cause more problems by speaking out what's on her mind. But then again, Zoe seemed to be one to seek the harsh truth, and Angel was one to usually be as honest as she could be. [color=9e0039]"What I mean to say is... perhaps you are making your own solitude. I can't speak for others about not wanting to hang around with you, but I'm sure there are at least people in our class who would like to get to know you."[/color] [color=palevioletred]"Well, yeah, that was kind of the point. It's not a question of whether they'd [i]like[/i] to know me, it's a question of my own control. You know, so I don't go killing anyone during lunch. Not that it's as selfless as all that - I'm pretty sure that'd get me put down as well, special group or not."[/color] Zoe scowled, sharpness creeping into her tone. It wasn't as though she wasn't trying to fix things, but she had to be cautious about it, and she could do without lecturing. [color=palevioletred]"Frankly, I'd rather not murder someone who I'm meant to be looking out for just 'cause everybody wants to prove a point about the power of friendship."[/color] Seemed like Angel stepped on a landmine, just as she somewhat expected it. Her smile returned to a neutral state, thinking she tried to take the situation too lightly. [color=9e0039]"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Look, you seem self-conscious to know what's wrong and what needs to get better, and I'm glad you are working on getting this under control. I just wanted to know for myself. Not because I want to try and prove a point, but because I want to know more about the people I'm working with. Even if you aren't looking to make a friend, I'd rather just talk directly to you and get things straight than just look from afar and make false assumptions."[/color] By now, Angel's enthusiastic tone faded into a more down-to-earth and serious voice. Truth be told, she would very much like to get along with the red-haired girl. It would've made things easier. But if Zoe was adamant about having no friends, for both their and her own safety, then the singing Mage would just have to suck it up and accept the rotting Mage's wishes. Zoe shook her head, making an effort to get a rein on her anger. [color=palevioletred]"It's not like that. You're not the first person to say I need to work on the whole 'friends' thing. Hell, I appreciate the honesty."[/color] For a moment she appeared almost conflicted about what to say. She knew why she had such a problem with it, but saying it out loud meant she had to think about everything else. [color=palevioletred]"What I want to do isn't really the main issue here. It's not as though I [i]like[/i] spending all day training or hiding in my room."[/color] She sighed. [color=palevioletred]"But I know all too well what I'm capable of doing. If I can't even shield you guys from that, then--"[/color] She broke off, her brow furrowed in uncharacteristic distress. Okay, too deep. Too close to home. Still aware of Angel's presence, she forced a casual expression after a few seconds, but it wasn't exactly convincing. Angel flinched back onto her seat that was the broken down door and carefully eyed the troubled young woman. Getting too friendly or too intimate about her feelings was causing her issues to flare up, Angélique now realized. Now she truly knew what Zoe meant when the cracks began appearing in the Mage's behavior. When the redhead seemed to try to force a neutral expression, the raven-haired girl held her hands up. [color=9e0039]"Woah there, easy. I'm very sorry if I'm ticking you off like that. I shouldn't be pushing it too much on you, As much as I'd like to continue talking to you, I think we need a break, before something happens. How about training, together or not? We're both here for the same reasons after all, right? Or... perhaps would you prefer some more alone time, get things off you system?"[/color] Angel tried to defuse the situation. She felt bad for pushing Zoe around like that. Despite all the warnings and the explanation, she was a stubborn one and tried too hard at convincing Zoe that if they couldn't be friends, then they could at least be more open to each other. Obviously it backfired, taking too lightly Zoe's Stigma, or whatever mental issues she was having. The other girl's reaction almost surprised Zoe. Almost. It probably made sense how fast her classmate backed off, considering how volatile Zoe had been lately. [color=palevioletred]"Sorry. Got a little caught up there, but yeah. Yeah, I think training would be good."[/color] The statement she hadn't quite been able to finish still lingered at the back of her mind, but she could ignore it for now. As she stood up, facing away, she spoke again. Didn't want to give the completely wrong impression. [color=palevioletred]"I'm not angry at you, you know."[/color] She started to walk off before pausing and looking back at the other aberration questioningly. [color=palevioletred]"Well?"[/color] [color=9e0039]"Ah..."[/color] Angel watched as Zoe got up and started walking away after agreeing to some training. [color=9e0039]"Well, I'm glad to hear it."[/color] Angel was at a loss of what to say for now. She'd feel like saying she admired her tenacity and how strong she appeared to be, but Zoe probably wouldn't want to hear any of that for now. When the red-haired mage turned to her with a questioning look, Angel looked dumbfound for a moment as she pointed herself. [color=9e0039]"Together? You sure I won't be in the way?"[/color] she asked as she got up from her makeshift seat. [color=palevioletred]"Yes, I'm inviting you 'cause I think you'll be in the way. What can I say, I just love inconvenience."[/color] Zoe replied sarcastically before breaking into a smile - a much more genuine one, this time. [color=palevioletred]"You [i]did[/i] just tell me to get better with people, didn't you? So let's call this one a compromise. Unless you're worried I'll show you up, that is."[/color] She glanced back at the black haired subnatural with a challenging grin. The sonic Mage's clueless expression turning into a grin as she started walking towards her now training partner. [color=9e0039]"If I can take down a Dragon, puny Regular remnants of a town's past will just be small fries."[/color] Angel let out a sinister chuckle before her eyes went wide and slapped a hand to her mouth. Did she really just say that now? [color=palevioletred]"'Puny'?"[/color] Zoe burst out laughing at the look on Angel's face. Apparently that was as unexpected for her as it was for Zoe. [color=palevioletred]"If it makes you feel any better I don't think they're paying attention."[/color] Zoe looked at Angel with an expression that was equal parts surprise and amusement. [color=9e0039]"A-are they? I don't even know now. I've read they were some sort of... real illusions? I mean, if you're willing to compromise, then I should follow the lead and get out of my comfort zone too, right?"[/color] The embarrassed singing Aberration chuckled nervously, doubled over by Zoe's laughing. [color=9e0039]"So, what's the plan? Should I just start yelling at them before you dive in for the 'kill'? Test ways to synergize our attacks?"[/color] [color=palevioletred]"Figuring out how to work as a unit sounds like as good a plan as any. Fair warning, though - I wouldn't look too close when I'm using my power, especially if Monday bothered you. Even though they're not exactly normal people, it's not a pretty sight."[/color] It sort of went without saying, but giving the warning seemed fair. [color=palevioletred]"Other than that, whenever you're ready."[/color] [color=9e0039]"Thanks for the heads-up. Likewise, don't stand in front of me when I shout. I wouldn't know how it feels like, neither Chris nor Kusari told me, but you saw it. It can somehow knock back and put down a Dragon for a few seconds." [/color] Angel walked took the lead and walked towards a nearby bystander. Putting herself into an angle that she would not have Zoe into her area of effect, she opened her mouth to start screaming. However, she felt her throat jam, and nothing but a wheeze came out. They were not 'normal' people, but the possibility of them being just as real, combined with the scene of what happened during her last concert that kept repeating itself over in her head, it was hard for her to overcome the trauma. [color=f7976a][i]Real or not, one day you will have to get over it. You have chosen the path of a Destroyer, for the survival of mankind. There is no backing down now.[/i][/color] [color=9e0039]"What good is saving humanity if I'm destroying it in the process."[/color] [color=f7976a][i]Sacrifices will be made, just as some already sacrificed their lives. Are you thinking those were made in vain? Or are you just pitying yourself over worthless lives because of your weakness?[/i][/color] [color=9e0039]"I...I don't-"[/color] [i][color=00a99d]"You're not a Regular anymore. So stop using their guidelines to judge what you're meant to be, and deal with what you really are right now. What's really changed is the rules you have to play by now."[/color] [/i] Ernest's words echoed into Angel's mind. The discussion they had yesterday in her room, how he tried to make her open her eyes about what she was and what was expected of her. She knew he was right. She was still Angélique Lachance, but not an international rockstar anymore. She had been made into an Angel of Destruction by Dreamcatcher, or whatever granted her powers. Perhaps it was her destiny to one day cause great pain to others, to bring back order to this chaotic world by screaming at it into submission. Once again, Angel opened her mouth, and the knot inside her throat began to untie as her voice gradually rose in intensity. What sounded like a muffled cry grew into a raging scream, until it grew again into an ear-splitting inhumane shriek. The bystander, looking curiously at Angel, was blown back a few feet backwards, as if he had received a powerful punch, before crumbling to the ground, holding his ears and quivering into a confused mess. As soon as Angel stopped screaming, Zoe rushed forward. She'd been slightly concerned about the other girl's apparent fear of using her powers, but the hesitation her classmate had shown wasn't something she shared. The power to kill didn't give much room for half-measures, and no matter how much you dressed it up that was the basic nature of what she did. When it came down to it, they needed someone that wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger, and it might as well be her. She reached the man quickly, black snaking across her hand as she drove it into the back of his skull. True to her word, it was fast, her hand driving through to his brain like the man's flesh was barely even solid at all. He collapsed to the ground as she withdrew her hand, twitching but otherwise lifeless. She glanced back at Angel and called out, wondering if the aberration had taken her advice and looked the other way.[color=palevioletred]"Done."[/color] Zoe walked back over to Angel. If the stun usually lasted as long as that, then their powers actually did seem useful together. [color=palevioletred]"I'd say that worked out alright. Makes sense, anyway. You put them down, I make sure they stay there. Not too complicated, right?"[/color] Morbid curiosity had gotten the best of the screaming Aberration as she peeked a few glances, much to the singer's dismay, towards the macabre scene that was Zoe's doing. It was surprising just how quick she was to deal the killing blow, how easy it seemed for the other Aberration. Yet, for a strange reason, having shouted deaf this bystander felt... good? It somehow felt more relieving that simply screaming at windows and doors. [color=9e0039]"Yeah. I figured my powers weren't meant to directly deal a fatal blow to opponents. I guess that would make me something like... an attack support?"[/color] Angel felt somewhat glad that, in the end, her power could synergize well enough with anyone able to inflict heavy damage. Walking off towards yet another real illusionary group of people, Angélique glanced at her training partner. [color=9e0039]"It doesn't take you long to kill someone, but... I wonder just how long someone can recover from my screams. How much time we can afford before they get back up in action, if worse comes to be."[/color] One more time, Angel let her out a devastating shriek as she was standing a few meters away from the group of bystanders. This time, she was able to do so without any complication. Her sonic wave caught them unaware; some fell to the ground from being 'punched' from behind. The result remained the same for all of them. They all recoiled a few feet back from the force of the scream, then they simply stood immobilized, in a haze, for a little less than half-a-minute. [color=palevioletred]"So, thirty seconds. Maybe say twenty-five, to be safe."[/color] Zoe appeared lost in thought for a second, concern crossing her features as she watched the people scramble for safety. Angelique's sudden willingness to attack the townspeople was definitely practical, but something about it bothered the red-haired girl. She wasn't sure what it was yet. Having someone to back up her attacks wasn't a negative, after all. She shook her head. [color=palevioletred]"Okay, one more thing. If I grab one of them for a second, think you can knock them into a few of their buddies as soon as I'm out of range? It'll make sense in a minute."[/color] Curious as to what Zoe had in mind, Angel nodded in agreement. [color=9e0039]"Very well. I'll get a head start and try to position myself as soon as you get one."[/color] As soon as she was finished, the raven-haired Aberration started off running, with an eerie glint shining bright in her emerald eyes beyond the cracked lens of her shades. In battle, speed was the key to winning, she was taught by her mentor. As soon as her partner would grab one of the imaginary folk, Angélique would spring the plan Zoe suggested. After waiting a couple seconds to make sure her teammate had time, Zoe started off herself, running straight for the nearest group. Her victim saw her coming, but only had time to start turning away before she grabbed the collar of his shirt and, in a move that was much more street fighting than martial arts, head-butted him right in the face. As the man staggered backwards, Zoe backed off. She'd already hit him - that was all she needed to do. Giving Angel a nod, she just focused on maintaining her power's effects, black specks rising from the man's body. With her head start, Angel was already ahead of the group when Zoe grabbed of them. When they started running from their assailant, Angel was ready for them, waiting. As she angled herself so that her sonic wave won't hit Zoe, it did not take long for the screaming mage to take position and let out a forceful shout that pushed the front row backwards into the others behind, not too far away from where the redhead had been. As soon as they tumbled down on each other into a body pile, Angélique stopped and raised a clenched fist to her partner. As soon as the people collided, Zoe started to let her power spread from person to person. It was slower than direct contact, of course, but they weren't exactly in a position to fight back either way. More importantly, it had actually worked - more black rose from the pile of people as the power spread between them, although the noise they made was disconcerting even by her standards. She'd never gone for so many before. Once it was done, Zoe grinned at Angel, turning to head back over as the noise finally went quiet. As much as anything else, that had more than sated her stigma. It was a relief not to want to punch anyone in the throat for a while. [color=palevioletred]"In case you were wondering, that's kind of a new one."[/color] Seeing the new trick Zoe had up her sleeve, the winged-tattooed singer slapped a hand to her mouth when she saw the body pile turning black and slowly rotting away, like a spreading disease. The sight was too much for Angel. She turned her head away and even backed off a few meters away, feeling somewhat insecure to stand near the contagious plague her training partner seemed to have caused. [color=9e0039]"I-I see... That's quite... deadly."[/color] Angel stuttered, feeling a bit nauseated by the sight and the wailing that came with it. She didn't know how Zoe could live with doing that on a whim. The two of them were quite different, she figured. She somewhat understood now why the red-haired girl didn't want to take any chances letting her power go rampant on others should she lose control. Seeing it with her own eyes now, it was clear to her that Zoe was probably one of the deadliest ticking bombs in their class. Which reminded Angel of the failsafe powers of her other classmates she had begun thinking of recently in light of the total loss of control that was the Flags n' Seek game. [color=9e0039]"We're making quite a team, when we're putting our minds into it. There may yet be hope for us."[/color] Angel chuckled uncomfortably, trying to shake off the uneasiness that had began to creep into her. Zoe chuckled. [color=palevioletred]"I wouldn't go that far, but it's definitely one hell of a combination. And the power's under my control, you know. Won't hurt you. You're really not very good at pretending to be okay with this. The stuttering doesn't help your case, for the record."[/color] Zoe said, oddly relieved by the horrified reaction of her teammate. Honestly, part of her was sickened by it too. But she couldn't change her power, couldn't hold back because of misplaced fears. All she could do was try her hardest to aim it at the right place and hope no-one was in the way. That didn't mean it had to be the same for everyone. [color=palevioletred]"Can you do me a favour?"[/color] She sure doesn't speak with her boxing gloves on, Angel figured as she flinched from Zoe's statement. Of course she wasn't good at pretending, given how easy she was to figure out. It didn't really even cross her mind to hide she was disturbed by the sickening show. Even the girl manipulating that kind of power would be aware of that. Surely by now she grew accustomed to what her power was capable of doing. Just how Angélique wished she could say the same about herself right now though. [color=9e0039]"Sure, what is it?[/color] [color=palevioletred]"Hold on to that. Caring."[/color] Zoe raised her head, looking determinedly at her teammate. [color=palevioletred]"None of us wanted this. One bad choice, and you're fucked in the head for the rest of your days. The other path still gets you locked up like a dog. I'm not saying to cry every time you hit a monster, and I'd rather all of you guys were willing to kill if you had to-"[/color] She paused, letting out a quick laugh as she struggled to put the words together. [color=palevioletred]"Sorry, give me a minute, I'm not good at this."[/color] Her expression darkened. [color=palevioletred]"I guess what I'm saying is that this shit already took almost everything. Don't get so caught up in being a weapon that you let it take away who you are, too."[/color] Zoe looked away, keenly aware that she could do a whole lot better with that herself. But she'd always been willing to do bad things to an extent - the singer didn't give her the same impression. At least if she was on the mark. For a moment, as Angel listened intently to Zoe, she looked somewhat conflicted. Deep inside, she knew she was expected to become someone to comply with orders, pull the trigger without hesitation, else her life and the others' would be in danger. She needed to be resolute in facing her fears and discarding her worries away for the sake of everyone's survival. And yet, the red-haired Mage's speech brought back what Angelique prized the most. Her humanity, her love for others. Without it, she probably wouldn't have been the popular singing icon she was in the past, one who had had a vast influence on people for trying to sympathize with the Subnaturals and their predicament. Without it, she would probably be a remorseless killing machine today. What uneasiness that seemed to have stiffened Angel disappeared, some sort of burden seemed to have been removed from her shoulders as Zoe finished. A smile etched itself onto a more serene and friendlier face. [color=9e0039]"I will. Despite what the others say, despite what the voices tell me to do, Ì will try to cling onto what little humanity may be left inside me. For our sake, for my sanity, for those I had let down.“[/color] She looked back at her training partner, wondering if the girl was feeling just as eased as she was after sating their appetite for destruction, assuming it was the universal way to ease their burden as Aberrations. It somehow felt easier to open her heart and soul now that the voices inside her head seemed to have quieted down. [color=9e0039]"However, that doesn't mean I will hold back on monsters. After all, part of me wanted this. This power to destroy. To tear down what had been demolishing what we built and killed many of us. It's just... I'd rather be using what I have been given on monsters than our own. I... still can't get over the deaths I caused..."[/color] At the mention of her last statement, Angel trailed off into a more sorrowful tone. [color=9e0039]"Shall we continue to where you left off earlier? Or would you like to talk about something else?"[/color] The raven-haired musician tried to redirect the discussion, feeling uncomfortable about pouring out her own issues onto others. Voices? Zoe wasn't sure the other aberration meant to let that one slip, surprise crossing her face as she listened to the rest of the talk. Apparently the singer was still hung up on what had happened with the concert. Zoe didn't know much detail about the incident - only what she'd heard from others. Keeping up with current events hadn't exactly been a priority at the time. Still, she gave the other girl a look. [color=palevioletred]"I don't get the impression you're the type to do that on purpose. You're more of a 'helping old ladies cross the road' type. Maybe not that far, but you know - a lot closer than I am. As for what I'm doing..."[/color] Well, Zoe assumed Angel would've figured out why she was scared of losing it - Not that she'd say she was [i]scared[/i], exactly, but the point stood. [color=palevioletred]"The way you guys have acted. I don't know you well, any of you, and that's on me. But from the fights when we got here, from seeing your reactions on Monday... I'll just say that I've decided it's better for me to be the one pulling the trigger if it becomes necessary. Leave it at that."[/color] As much as Angel wanted to scream that it had been an accident, she stood silent. There wasn't need to find excuses. She took the lives of a handful of people, accident or not, and she was the one to blame for the grieving she had caused. But it was somehow good to know Zoe looked at her this way. [color=9e0039]"Perhaps you're right. We do need someone with your kind of resolve."[/color] The ex-rockstar paused, feeling however disgusted by her lack of resolve. [color=9e0039]"I'll sound corny and you're probably tired of hearing me talk like that, but I believe you shouldn't be the only one the bear that burden, of dirtying your hands like that. If it's not for the others, then it's over for us. I remember what you said that night. Even if we have people like you protecting us, once we are caught alone with our lack of resolve, then it's all over."[/color] [color=palevioletred]"Eventually. But right now, making that choice - I think it'd break some of them. They've got themselves convinced that we're heroes. That we're the good guys, that we're better than that. That if we just keep believing in each other, everything will work out."[/color] Aaron sprung to mind, but she decided not to name names. At least unless he turned up again. [color=palevioletred]"If I'm the one doing it, then it's easy to explain away as 'Zoe losing it again'. It's not ideal, but it'll do for now. Sucks to be you - you get to be the good example."[/color] She laughed lightly, a little uncomfortable with that level of openness. [color=palevioletred]"You're right, that [i]was[/i] corny. I think I'm done."[/color] [color=9e0039]"I'm still not totally agreeing with the whole 'you did it' scheme, but I'm sure you wouldn't care even if I protest."[/color] Angel chuckled light-heartedly to Zoe's comment. Sighing in satisfaction to have a decent discussion with a person she initially thought was too aggressive to talk to, the black-haired singer contemplated the sight of the landscape around her. [color=9e0039]"Well... I suppose if you're done, then we should return to training? I have some limits I have yet to test myself."[/color] [color=palevioletred]"Sure, why not? Just make sure you can keep up."[/color] Zoe smirked, looking back out at their surroundings. She'd opened up enough - more than enough. Talking was fine, but only as long as she was ready to back it up. There was still a long way to go. [color=palevioletred]"Oh, and if anyone asks, I told you I punch people for a living. I've got a reputation to uphold, you know."[/color] [color=9e0039]"A reputation to uphold?"[/color] Angel laughed at the request. Still, it was whole-hearted, even though the infamous singer found the deal quite silly. "Very well. I mean, you did punch a guy's brains out after all. Can't be any more metal than that." The raven-haired Mage felt a chill creeping up her spine when she remembered Zoe's fist ramming into the illusory person's skull. *** The two Aberrations spent part of the afternoon chasing down illusions of citizens throughout the ruined city. Slowly, Angélique had begun showing less restraint and was becoming more assertive in the use of her powers. The two managed to work well together by combining the uses of their power into synergic tactics. Throughout the training, both began to truly understand the use of their powers, their range and duration limitations by trial-and-errors tests. Much to her dismay, Angel had signaled the end of their training session. The two X-marked girls were at it for so long that the screaming Mage’s vocal cords had begun to give out, making the young woman barely able to speak. It would appear Angel was limited to about two dozen screams before her voice was completely exhausted. She looked disappointed in herself, but shrugged to Zoe. If that was all what she was able to do, then there was no point in continuing. Eventually, the two went on their own ways as their training was over and talking with someone practically mute wasn't ideal for both of them. [center][color=silver][hr] 𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 ℤ𝕖𝕣𝕠 / / 𝟙𝟠𝟛𝟘[hr][/color][/center] It had been quite an exhausting afternoon for Angélique. Spending half of it training with Zoe until her voice gave out; the other half was spent doing conditioning training organized the school’s staff. Obviously, being good with their powers wasn’t sufficient for them. The students had to be physically primed, the ex-rockstar figured. Throughout the mandatory session, Angel had been absent-minded, lost in her thoughts as she was thinking over what she had been discussing with Zoe earlier today. If she wanted to get stronger, build up that resolve to use her powers, she’d need to train more, adapt, and perhaps even embrace it. Angel had the whole week free of classes. Maybe it was time to put Ground Zero to a better use than simply venting out there. So far, she had trained with Siena, Allison and Zoe in here. Already, she felt it was most beneficial, as it helped the raven-haired musician better understand her classmates’ powers, and even peek a bit into their personalities. Perhaps having another training session focused solely on their powers would be a good thing? See how well they could cooperate the four of them together? But then, thinking about what Zoe told her, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to invite Zoe to that event. Angel had a hard time to get Zoe to somewhat open herself to her, she figured red-haired Aberration would flat-out refuse training with three other people around. [color=9e0039][i]Baby steps. Let her get accustomed to the others.[/i][/color] When the mandatory training class was over with, Angel went to ask Siena, with great pain considering her voice was but a faint strained whisper, if she was interested for another trip at Ground Zero to train with their powers on Thursday. Likewise for Allison, she found the girl at dinner and asked her if she would like to join them. Hopefully they’d show up tomorrow. [/hider] [/hider]