[center] [h1][color=92278f] Aviva [/color] [/h1] [/center] Aviva's expression differed when he heard the reply of the strange man. Disliking this reply he shook his head in a disagreeing way and huffed out air. Chewing on the inside of his mouth he groaned slightly in a bit of an annoyance. Breathing heavily his shoulders somewhat tensed up like the other parts of his body did. Chuckling a little Aviva smirked at the male. [color=92278f]"And, Like I said..."[/color] he paused for a moment trying to see how he wanted to put the rest of his sentence. [color=92278f]"How much does it actually cost?"[/color] Aviva questioned and raised an eyebrow towards the male. Looking down at the weapon then back at the owner Aviva seemed to have a look of suspicion in his eye for a moment. Like he was questioning something. Nodding his head, he looked into the male's eyes and made eye contact for a few minutes without saying a word or letting anybody hear the breath that comes from his lungs. His tongue slid right under the backside of his lower teeth line. As his mouth was parted slightly as he gave a few slight nods once more. [color=92278f]"Now why would you just let somebody pick a random thing from your shop?"[/color] Aviva questioned and stepped closer to the male. [color=92278f]"It's kind of odd you say you don't have many costumers...you let somebody come in and just pick a random thing?"[/color] He questions more. Biting his lip now. His eyes go focused right on the male as he doesn't blink now. [color=92278f]"Isn't that bad for you? Won't you loose your job...loosing money?"[/color] Aviva's tone of voice seemed to have slight concern though agitation. Rolling his eyes and shaking his head in disagreement once more. Aviva looked at the male as his tongue slid against his molars of his top teeth line and he nodded. [color=92278f]"Yeah, this is the one I pick."[/color] He chews on the inside of his lower mouth again. [color=92278f]"I do choose this one. Also, I'll stop asking you questions."[/color] Aviva's tone of voice seems to lighten up and relax. It turned to a more gentle and softly speaking tone. [color=92278f]"Thanks for the tissue by the way...I'll just be going now?"[/color] Aviva questioned as he took a few steps back. [color=92278f]"Also, thanks for the dagger..."[/color] He was very grateful it was able to be heard in his voice though he seemed slightly nervous like something was going to happen and he blinked though his eyes shot open to look every single way he could without moving his head. His body turned towards the door as he looked at the male. Aviva didn't want the police called on him for 'stealing' something from the store. Being a runaway child from his abusive father and being in a police station for stealing something in the same night as well as being soaking wet with a bloody nose doesn't sound like the night he would want to be in. [@olcharlieboi]