[center][color=ed1c24][h1]Mordechai Boaz - 2017[/h1][/color][/center] Mordechai found himself slinking away just after Kaitlin O'Connor made her own exit. He watched her drive away before getting on his motorcycle and peeling out of Edenridge High's parking lot, and unfortunately riding in the same direction as the red head. He passed her up once she parked at the Pour House, and brought his own vehicle to a stop in front of Phil's garage, heading in with his helmet under his arm. "Mo-Bo!" The cheers had him stopping in his tracks as he looked into the faces of the men he hadn't seen in ten years. A sad smile graced his face when they all dropped what they were doing to come over to him, remembering to keep their distance until he gave them a signal to show he was okay to be touched. The slight nod of his head led him to being quickly engulfed by the five grease-monkeys he'd learned to love growing up. For this moment, as they all thought of Phil and how he would be right at the center of the hug with Mordechai wrapped tight in his arms, there was peace. [hr] [center][color=ed1c24][h1]Decky Boaz - 2006[/h1][/color][/center] "Christ, Callahan what fuck?" Decky took a step towards the boy before reminding himself that this was not his friend and he had no reason to intervene. The blood now coating O'Leary's face had Decky rolling his eyes to cover his discomfort, and he turned away to address Kaitlin just in time to see Lanie shove her out of a restraint hold and into the row of lockers. He watched as the red headed girl slipped to the ground and his crazy girlfriend stormed passed him, completely missing his flinch at her proximity. With a shaky sigh, he waliked up to the slightly injured girl and held his hand out as an offer to help her up, trying to remember whatever few manners he retained from Mr. Beau. "Obviously that wasn't the best way to go about it," He admitted to her when she hadn't yet taken his hand. "...I'm...sorry, I guess. I was trying to force a resolution to shit and..." He shrugged, lacking the necessary words to fix it and knowing full well that saying anything would just be sticking his foot in it. He would let Lanie stew for now, but he was gonna have a long talk with her about how easy she found it to be so physical and how if she ever turned that on him, they would never see each other again. He'd had enough abuse from the people close to him. [hr] [color=007236][center][h1]Aisik Shomer[/h1][/center][/color] "And cut!" Aisik broke out of the bear hug he was in with his fellow cast-mates. He was surprised when they were all the same actors that had been in the Garage scenes back during the original Edenridge. It was good, though; they had great chemistry back then, and they still have it now. "Great job you guys, that's it for your scenes today." The director clapped Aisik on the shoulder and the younger man tried not to flinch at the unexpected contact. There was a reason that he as a young actor was so able to have believable reactions to being unexpectedly touched. "Once the others wrap up their closing scenes, the cars will take you back to the Cloverdale and you can get some rest." With that, they all parted ways, Aisik making his way out into the parking/trailer lot and leaning against the brick wall, sliding his ring back onto his finger and twisting it around his finger as he lost himself in thought, waiting for the others to finish their scenes.