Fortune reached up to attempt to clasp at his head through his plated helm; One moment he had been fine, but all he could seem to feel was a molten spike of pain ramming itself into his brain. The pain was blinding, causing him to stumble a little on uneasy feet as he fought to remain standing while being blind and ignorant to the world around him and what was going on within it. Like all things through the pain started to pass and ebb away, his vision clearing in turn... to revel the rather horrific sight of a speaking demonic centipede like creature poking out of a man's mouth, choking the poor bastard with its presence. Unfortunately for it, it made one critical mistake; Among its insults, taunts and 'helpful advice' it implied that Fortune was a coward. He didn't even bother listening to whatever filth it was spewing, reaching down to pick up the blade that he had dropped when his head felt like it was melting in order to aim a swing to decapitate the monstrous centipede. "Burn in whatever pit spawned you vile creature!"