[@Ollumhammersong] Name:Neemious Galihad Age:378.3 years Appearance:He normally always has his helmet on, but his helmet has a scratch on the right eye slit, and his helmet has runes scribed on the left sie of the jaw. In his spar time, he has customised certin parts of his armor for certin needs and a look. He has an extra ammo case on his right arm. His chest plate is slightly more jagged than other marine plates and his heavy bolter has an ammo pack, and a intercooler so the gun doesn't heat up as much. Underneath the helmet, he is rough faced and scared to were he hardy looks human. Desired Rank: squad sergeant Equipment:personally slightly augmented MK-VII armor with augmented Heavy Bolter, a combat kinfe, spare ammo, and a regular bolter as a side arm. When not using heavy bolter, he uses his bolter and a chain sword. Abilities: high intellect, Sergeant's Training History:Neemious has had a very rough time in service to the emperor. Enough so, he almost went insane. So, he had his emotions subdued with an implant. His First few squads all died and some of the innocents he tried to protect are dead. He has always edured, even when captured by orcs, which escaped by tossing his jailer into a furnace. Now, the only person he talks to informally is a very low rank apothicary. He reads a lot in his spare time to were he learned how to do metal work and construction, which has always appealed to him. He voluntered for the chapter, what he says, to simply serve the emperor on his own terms. squad: Sergeant: Neemious battleBrother: Tearan battleBrother: Hamich battleBrother: Seviran battleBrother: Fendos battlebrother: Remous