I find that there are 3 things that work best for me to remedy writer's block. 1. Reading. Sometimes it's a light fiction novel, other times it's a news article or blog posts. It helps me take a step away from the RP to gain new perspectives, new ideas, new techniques to try and ultimately a little break so that I can gather all of this fresh material. 2. University. Seriously, I seem to write best and break through writer's block after going to lecture or listening to podcasts of professors just talking. Considering and listening to educated discussions on various topics seems to both continue to spark my interest in that topic, generate questions for me to seek answers to but also open my mind to thinking in a more dynamic/fluid manner. The latter I think is really what does it for solving writer's block. 3. Listening to music. More often than not it's epic instrumental music but other times I begin a hunt to find a song that matches the situation in the RP. Usually, if I can find a piece or a few pieces that match the emotion or flow of what's happening then I can use the music to help check what the character(s) I'm playing would do in that situation. Sometimes it matches the music, sometimes not. I hope this helps someone at somepoint in the future!