[@carla6677] [b]Art[/b] Ethan didn't realize how small she was until she flew up onto the chair. [i]Man, it's been awhile since I've seen anything this tiny.[/i] He looked down at her, knowing her tiny form would hit his soft spot. "Why you gotta be..." He paused to see if anyone else was around before turning to Ali and continuing. "...cute." He then went back to his abruptness. "No one knows I said that, got it?" [@carla6677] [b]Gym[/b] Ace began wagging his tail even harder. "Nice to meet you too and I'm the same way about doughnuts!" He always had a habit of shouting everything he said. [@carla6677] [b]Music[/b] Price was slightly taken aback by this new girl's attitude. "That wasn't very nice and it's Price." He was usually nice but he didn't like it when people were mean to him. [@carla6677] [b]Science[/b] "I was running late as well, but I don't like to rush." Larry looked at her. "But I guess I could read some books or something." He thought about sleeping in here, but he knew full well he could get in trouble for that so he decided against the idea. [hr] [b]Superhuman Studies[/b] Ky decided to try and practice a bit. He closed his eyes while holding one hand out in front of him. As he concentrated, a small globe of lightning appeared in his hand. He opened his eyes back up to look at it. Lily squeaked at him to be careful with that. [i]I'm just practicing, Lily, chill.[/i]