[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/e1e20629c43d083e365cb6358b2ca293/tumblr_o17frnvlTR1thj7ndo1_500.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] Almack's[/center][hr][hr]As Virginia migrated away from the crowds of dancers, having no one else yet on her dance card, she found herself lost in a memory. At all of the Crypt family gatherings, where Crypts from various corners of the world were invited to the family estate in Dartford. There, in a delightful mix of dance and fight, they would perform the [i]Mamushka[/i]. Her father had passed down the origin story from his grandfather, detailing the Russian cousins who invented the dance. But of course, the Mamushka was not performed at Almack's. No, no, it was a measly waltz, and Virginia couldn't help but feel more and more disappointed. She fancied that perhaps she had been born in the wrong era, in the wrong country, in the wrong society. As she glanced around the hall, with the smiling and chipper faces, she longed to return to her estate in the country. She wanted nothing more than to play Wake the Dead with James, to play the violin in a frenzy as Alfred and James fenced, to see her mother roaming the halls in a crazed state, clutching various powders, and her noble father constructing a guillotine. The Crypts were a gruesome and grotesque family, obsessed with the macabre and the next world--but they had a strong sense of family and pride. Family means everything to a Crypt. She glanced around the room again, spotting Mosi and Fyror off and about. Millicent, the poor thing, appeared to be attempting to put as much distance between herself and another before the waltz began. There was no doubt in Virginia's mind that Millicent's mother had already begun her designs, attempting to marry her daughter off to a scoundrel and a crook. Yet unless Millicent's sisters were indeed all engaged to honest and good men, and Millicent herself, would her mother ever cease in her efforts? As much as Virginia wished to resolve the various affairs of her dear friend, she knew that it was not within her power to do so. And so, there she was, hovering at the edge of the festivities in Almack's, without a single person she would care to dance the Mamushka with.