[center][h2] - Gabriel - [/h2][/center] [center][@Wraithblade6][/center] The trees seemed to grow silent as the wind died down, the very waves seemed to recede from the beach. Faces from across the beach stared at this newcomer, this stranger who so audaciously announced his presence. Humans stood all around, a mass of blank stares from seemingly dead eyes. All of them were connected, merely eyes and ears for the true owner of this island. And as Mithias stood there, the silence seemed to fill the beach. An oppressive silence, which actively sought to drown out any noise. Mithias could hear their very hearts beating in time, like a well-tuned clock. This simple display of power would have brought chills to most vampires. But of all vampires across the world, Mithias had the least to fear from this particular Elder. Sacred silence was shattered by the sound of polished shoes on marble floors. Slowly the elegantly graceful figure of the Vampire Lord strode forth from the mansion which dominated the hillside. Beautiful men and women walked with him dressed in hawaiian fashion, holding plates of delicate snack foods or cooling him with large leafy fans. Both were completely superfluous considering their master's nature, but he had always so enjoyed to appear rich and wealthy. And over the centuries his palette had become too refined to merely subsists on blood alone like some 'common' vampire. Although blood did frequently make it's way into his little culinary experiments, in one way or another. After all, even Elder Vampires must eat properly on occasion. Having leisurely made his way over to Mithias' location he made a short mocking bow, even as his minions scampered off to put down a comfy chair. He wore a suit as usual, an elegant italian design in dark blue, with a stylish top hat from the same designer. The only concession his outfit made to the tropical weather was a pair of sunglasses, through which a dim red glow could still be perceived. "It appears I have been summoned. Why, whatever could it be that you wish of me?" His tone was deep and fluid, filled with subtle nuance and humour that none could truly follow. It seemed that everything was an in-joke to Gabriel, and this was no exception. The bright smile on his face would seem jolly to the foolish, but those more experienced with his habits would realise that such expressions betrayed little of his mind. Even Mithias, who knew his sire perhaps better than any other vampire in history, could not read that smile. But it was clear, from the general tone, that Mithias had overstepped a boundary with these summons. After all, the great Gabriel could hardly cater to the every whim of some youngblood with less than a thousand years under their belt. Sitting down upon the fluffy pink recliner his minions had managed to retrieve (barely in time) he motioned for a cup of wine and fixed Mithias with a piercing gaze. "Tell me what's on your mind. It's not like you to be quite so audacious as to call for me in my own home. Why, you barely enter a house without knocking." A brief sip was followed by an even brighter grin, one of genuine amusement this time. "Why, you must be truly rattled. You're looking all pale!" Chuckling at his own terrible sense of humour he finished the glass in one gulp, gesturing for another bottle to be brought immediately.