[@The Late Rose] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/B2huHU9.jpg?1[/img] [color=Snow] [h1] Anvarwel [/h1] [/color] Anvarwel had in fact gotten bored and already started to read some of the books that were in his carriage. Right now he was reading a book on the correct application of certain types of toadstools to hallucinogenic potions, a book he had little interest in frankly though he was subscripted to the belief that information was power, and there were few more powerful than him in that respect. Despite having little interest in his book he was engrossed enough to hardly notice the magical mist entering his carriage chamber, that was until it talked to him. 'Hello, Darling' came a pleasant and familiar voice from just across from him, which made him look up over the lip of the book, which he quickly placed back down on the pile next to him. "Lady Belladonna, it has been far too long since we last spoke." He said in a voice of genuine surprise and delight. He had always enjoyed the company of the Witch Queen, and not just because it sounded good next to his own title of Lich King. He inclined his head as a way of forgiving Belladonna's explanation of why his journey would be slower than expected. "I can hardly be angered now can I? If memory serves I pulled much the same trick on you the last time we spoke." It was here he would have given a smile, if he possessed flesh. The Lich leaned back into his chair, though not needing comfort he did not enjoy the feeling of hard wood underneath him. "I think you would be pleased to learn that my kingdom has grown in recent years, I'm sure you heard of the Goblin clans that live out in the Eastern Waste beyond the mountains?" He casually raised a hand to inspect the back of his knuckles. "Suffice to say that I now enjoy a larger realm and a greater number of Thralls. I myself am most curious as to hear what is happening to the north, seeing as your realm borders mine from there and the Elves in my employment have been getting rather... Jumpy of late, I was hoping you could shed some light on that patch of grey. Which I remember as a skill of yours." It was with some disappointment on his part that the meeting was moved on as swiftly as it was, but then again immortals didn't have all the time in the world. "Your ability to find out important details never ends does it? Indeed I am planning on meeting this upstart Dark Lord from the west, I am most curios how he has been able to achieve in 100 years what took me 300 to accomplish." He leaned forwards here to look the Witch Queen in the pits of her golden eyes. "So far I wish to discover who he is, as best I can. To learn the extent of his power, and of course how much he is willing to give away to earn my aid. I after all recently came across a rather juicy piece of information." He paused for a second. "Of course this information has little impact on one such as yourself, but for me it is the most important thing I have ever encountered." He watched her smile grow, knowing full well where her mind was going. "My Lady, if you think after this time I am simply going to betray you, I'm utterly hurt. You should after all know we are the powers here in the east, and if this Dark Lord decides to wage war on one of us, it is with both of us he fights." He put particular emphasis on this, to demonstrate that he if he could not defeat an invasion then Belladonna would have little more hope. "No. I am simply here to make the initial demands and political trading of blows that must of course happen, I'll of course inform you before I make any decision, what would a tyrant be without advice after all?" [/center]