Hello! My username is SamaraJayne96 :) I have been participating in roleplay forums for almost two years now. I've sought after the guild because the site I've started out on had recently shut down. :( So here I am searching for a new home and new users to roleplay with. My extra hobbies include, video games, knitting, reading, writing, cooking, binge watching shows, and playing the violin. I usually prefer roleplays that have developed characters as well as an intricate plotline. I like both group and one on one stories. My favorite genres are: romance, fantasy, drama, action, adventure, anime, super human, (vampire, demon, etc.) and even horror. I have played a wide range of characters with varying personalities :) I guess it just depends on the story. If you'd like to tell me a roleplay idea or invite me to join your group, feel free to do so! Thanks :3