[center][@Zahir][/center] The grin would reappear on the man even bigger than before as he crushes the fireball above his palm and steps to the side "Then take the first step" he says as the extravagant stone door shudders, small amounts of dust falling off it as if it hasn't been opened in a long time. The door begins to open outwards, light flooding in from the other side, it would fill the doorway making it impossible to see what's on the other side. The man was glad that Aviva made the right choice, he wasn't surprised that the boy thought of using the dagger against him but it wouldn't of matter if he did. If the boy had attacked him, he could of incinerated the boy before he got even one foot closer. The Man would follow Aviva should he step through the door. On the other side would be an extravagant marble room, looking almost like a temple. Greek like pillars holding the ceiling, giant statues lining the walls. A total of ten statues of various people men and women in various outfits. Small stone plates at the bottom of each with words on them though unreadable from how far they are from them. One statue on the right, the middle one, would look identical to Charles standing next to Aviva. They would be on a small platform high in the room, head level to the statues, with only way down being a long staircase. In this new place Aviva would feel as if a weight had just dropped onto his entire body, a strange uncomfortable feeling spreading throughout his entire body as if there was something new in his body. This was simply because the density of mana here, being hundreds of times greater than back on earth. Kilin would wait a few seconds watching Aviva as he gets accustomed before starting down the steps, the stone doors closing behind them. "Welcome.. to your future.... a new world full of magic and monsters" he states to Aviva as he walks. "I'm afraid now you have made this choice there is no turning back.. you cannot return home unless you master magic." he states before motioning towards the statues "Each of these people are the original masters of magic.. the ones who created this world for one reason or another.. you'll learn more on that later since it's not important. What is important is finding a place to stay and getting some food" he simply say chuckling.