[center][img=http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y305/oZode/ScreenShot2014-03-07at90651PM_zps6feaec4c.png][/center] Hello folks of RPGuild. I've been researching space RPs on this site, especially of the nation sort to see what else is there. After doing enough studying i've come to a conclusion; I wanna throw my hat into the ring. In times before RPGuild I have ran space nation RPs, around 3-4 with varying results. Some being a explosion of excellence, others crashing pretty horrifically, while others petered out due to the lack of players in the slow heat death of the forum I was on. [s]Map of the sector; Yes I know a 2D map is very bad for representing space but I lack access to a program like [url=http://www.nbos.com/products/astro/astro.htm]this one[/url] thanks to being stuck on a mac that would run way too slow if installed parallels or vmware fusion. Any help on this?[/s] Update; I managed to brute force my way into getting Astrosynthesis working after all! This means the mapping system is much more accurate than a 2D map for space; taking into account the fact space is in 3-D! [center][img=http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y305/oZode/ScreenShot2014-03-09at124331AM_zpsce9957bd.png][/center] [extra 6$ please] This will likely effect the location part of the app as a result. For now i'll explain the set up I have in Astrosynthesis; I used a spherical sector with 1500 star systems; a number I believe should be enough as any bigger and you start running into the problem of significance. Going beyond the borders I don't really recommend, and as a result I won't let anyone have a society that goes outside the sphere from the start. Exploring outside is possible however, but I should warn there's more void outside the sphere and i'll have to make star systems you explore out there. For making your civ I would like a series of inputs i'll elaborate on March 8, 2014. For humans it is the year 3001 AD, and I have the program recognize this fact. ---- In Cosmic Community, species and faction are separate and you do not need to be a nation; you can also be a organization or nomadic group or really anything that sounds like it would be interesting to through in the space bucket. There is no trait system or tech tiering system, instead there are special classifications of society that I would prefer only a minority of players who will play to the end being. There is two separate application sheets; a species app and a faction app. If your species in not that advanced or one that is part of another player's empire, you do not need a faction app to play. If you just want to use humans or another person's species for a faction you do not a species app to play. Factions I define as not just nations/empires, but also corporations and major organizations. As a result, feel free to be a corporation or terrorist organization if running a empire is not your thing. You can make multiple species and factions. I do not intend to make human history, not out of laziness [I've made long winded future histories for humans multiple times in the past], but since i'd rather see what others do. I do however have a few creative restrictions I should state now; -I would prefer it if people do not turn this into a cross over fan fic RP; this means no Geth or UNSC or Protoss running around. I don't care if the pictures you use are taken from a existing sci-fi franchise as I do it myself; just change the meaning. [A good example would be some of the factions in Orbitum] -This one will likely anger some, but please no Anthros. I do not see why aliens would be anthropomorphized earth animals, and don't see it as creative. I also discourage things too human-like. Humanoids are fine though. -Avoid magic and things that belong in a fantasy setting. There is one "gamey" system the RP uses however; There are a couple special classes the RP employs which have one thing in common; they generally are more powerful than other players, but I do not want every other person being one and have a several trade offs. I might add more depending on if anyone has any ideas that BAAEs, Hyper Nomads and Mega Corps don't cover. I should note that these classes cover a wide range of society types. I should note that if you are one of these, you can't be anything else faction-wise. Making more species I am fine with, but they have to be related to what you have. -Big Alien Asshole Empire [BAAE's] [img=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b22/neokensei/BFG.jpg] Disclaimer; humans can also make big alien asshole empires. Large, powerful civilizations basically. The big boys of the cosmos, generally comprising of tons of star systems and a wide range of cultures under their yoke. They're the ones you can be certain will fight by proxies and regularly need to deal with shit from every corner of their empire. Big alien asshole empires can be comprised of multiple players, and these big alien asshole empires have high levels of power projection and influence. Think America or the USSR to get an idea of what I am thinking. Technological capability wise they can get pretty advanced, but this is not a given as remember- Incans also were a powerful empire. Being a big alien asshole empire requires lots of responsibility [there's a good chance you will be dealing with a lot more shit than other societies] and a application as epic as the empire you intend to make. Basically I expect for you to spend a lot of time in this RP if you intend to be a Big Alien Asshole Empire. -Hyper Nomadics; [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/099/f/c/xero_by_aaronmk-d4vk49n.png] [This is a [url="http://saggitariusarp.wikia.com/wiki/The_Xero"]xero[/url], a alien from one of the aforementioned RPs I ran two years ago that were hyper advanced but were apolitical and didn't intervene much. They're what inspired me to make this category. The author of the painting is AaronMK] Hyper nomadic are like their nomadic cousins in being limited in number and having no world they call home. They do not have a huge empire they run like BAAEs, but what sets a hyper nomadic apart from nomadic is that hyper nomadic is as advanced as you can get technologically in this RP. They should technologically outclass even the most advanced BAAE's. However, hyper nomadics should be apolitical as possible, and while they could puppet other societies they lack the numbers to do anything like conquer a BAAE single handedly as without numbers they lack the occupying/conquering capabilities of a BAAE. As a result a hyper nomadic who wants power is going to have to do so through the shadows. Be careful with how you craft your hyper nomadic; if you for instance have it so they could easily make tons more of themselves and make a empire they're too powerful. I personally intend to be a hyper nomadic. MEGA CORPS; [img=http://www.pixar-planet.fr/dossiers/marques/bnl4.jpg] Mega Corps are very, very powerful corporations/organizations basically. Mega corps will have to be connected to a faction you did not make, however and that faction's relations effect who you can exert influence over. Mega corps can exert tons of influence through lobbying, mercenaries, connections and so on however A super powerful terrorist or criminal organization or very influential interstellar peace keeping guild all fall under this category as well. A corporatocracy however, is not considered a mega corp since it is more like a nation/empire or even BAAE. [[This probably shouldn't count as a special class since chances are everyone who makes a corp or organization is bound to be very powerful, but I wanted a third class.]] ---- Everything above is subject to change. So, whose interested?