[@Commodore] I do imagine humans being the most prevalent race, but with this being High Fantasy I take no objection to elves, dwarves, even Warhammer-inspired orcs etc. Some aspects of the rolls might make less sense for other races but that can be adjusted if need be; I just don't want to see some super-race that is better than the others in every way. It bears worth mentioning that while I reluctantly would allow custom/original races, unless executed well I usually don't think they're a great thing to add to NRPs. People know what to think when they see elf, but not so much when they see "okidai" or something. Unless the "okidai" are genuinely unique and you do cool things with them, I just don't see the need. As in for magic, you raise a good question and one that indeed has not been answered in this interest check's OP. It's something that I will need to elaborate upon in the actual OOC, but for now let's say magic is relatively rare, say about 1/100 people have it. It can take the mild and stereotypical form of stereotypical fireballs or Emperor Palpatine style lightning if they are a battlemage, which makes wizards somewhat analogous to artillery. Then the war medics might use healing magic of some sort, and the priests and shamans might have rituals to predict weather or some such. The truly great and powerful wizards like Saruman or Gandalf should be a very rare thing. While similarly extreme forms of magic like necromancy perhaps are real, they should be rare almost to the point of fading into myth in most nations. After all, one of the big themes of this RP is magic fading away and being replaced with technology.