You give my brain far too much credit, but it thanks you all the same! I tend to go for stories that put a bit more a priority on character development and growth over trying to see who can swing the heaviest sword. And I hope that's not doublespeak. Buuut it could be. Trust me, you're in good hands around here. No one seems to remember any accidental blunders or slip ups, unless by chance you find some epic arch enemy around here, in which case what your back and your grammar. I still vouch for one on ones, but I'm biased there. One on ones are my jam and marmalade. Mmmmm. Oh don't use the blender, that would be a horrid mess to clean up! Having an interest in historical studies is pretty neat, it's a field not many seem to delve into these days, sadly. I've seen quite a few historical roleplays (either in the traditional sense of with add bits of paranormal or fantasy elements thrown in) around here so I'm sure you can find something to tickle your fancy. Awww thank you for your seal of approval. I may just print it and pin it to the fridge. Gotta capture those moment of humans being bros, am I right? Oh gosh, you mean you won't do sexy guy on guy buttsex? Why are we still talking then? XD You live in a desert huh? You sure you don't mean dessert? Cause I'd love to meet a guy who has an apple pie as a next door neighbor. I might even pay you a visit and munch on your chocolate chip cookie roof. Oh jeez, my brain is wandering because I didn't eat much dinner and there are cookies I could be eating but I should finish my Star Trek post...urgh responsibilities. Being a responsible adult sucks when it's almost midnight... Oh no! No sudoku! I would never wish that upon my worst enemy! Too many numbers, not enough fingers and toes! Birds are the worst, being so cheerful in the morning when I'm try to sleep. Oh and be sure to stay off my lawn! If I had a lawn. >___> Just don't put me in a retirement home with slow wi-fi, you may as well throw me in a ditch at that point... So in terms of roleplaying interests, do you think you'd go for slice of life, historic, sci-fi or some kind of medley? Can't beat a good medley.