Thank you AllOurPrettySongs! That is too long DX I'll just call you pretty! No wait, that may be taken as flirtation! Songs it is! No, there are songs about love. I cannot do that! Our sounds fine I guess? You crazy!? That means to belong or to associate with the speaker and she is not mine! DX All! Yep, calling you All. Though that may reference that they are into all relationships... Well tough luck All it is then! XD Though laughed at your response there! As for your lack of Canadians and Psychologists, I believe access towards any animal may suffice! So go back to those badgers again! And be free! Clowns you say? I am Hispanic, I can take care of your clown problem if need be. Killed some brightly colored mimes in my past could definitely hunt these wise pennies in a snitch! I can totally PM you and do not worry I am not afraid of clowns. XD I even unfortunately have a picture still of me at five years old dressed as a clown for Halloween. u.u Yea, yea laugh it out now, don't know why I wore that one but I regret it to this day!