[center][h1][color=yellow]Matt Ronwell[/color][/h1][/center] [center][sub] [@Zepavil][@manapool1][@KOgaming] [/sub][/center] [hr] Matt laughed, somewhat quietly at least, at the response to the complaint against the food. Matt wasn't sure how he'd missed the electric chair before but it was certainly there now. What an odd chef, if he cared about his food so much why didn't he you know... make it a bit better? Perhaps it was a matter of materials rather than ability. Matt's musings were interrupted by talking behind him and he turned to see the table he'd thought previously empty was in fact rather populous! The boy who'd nearly gotten himself keelhauled by the chef was named Taiyo, the girl that sat next to him... not interested in manners seemingly and Lua was here too. Matt smiled at Lua's compliment, [color=yellow]"Ah I don't know about that, it's just a matter of having good luck really. Something like Martin's deck is far more impressive and I admit, seems interesting to learn. But I'll stick with mine for now. By the way Taiyo my name is Matt, if you'd like to get your food from someone nicer in the future I'd recommend making friend with Rumi, the nice girl that talked to the angry chef. Archfiends are the big guys that make you pay with LP with their effects right?"[/color] Matt asked, to keep him talking. He seemed like a very shy person, but shy people tended to open up if you treated them right.