As Jasmyn looked over the sheet of paper handed to her, she considered ripping the paper to shreds. Instead she opted to simply not participate in the trial. She left Rex behind and approached the man to return the application form. Before she could however, a grumpy-looking blond man grabbed him by the shirt. Jasmyn let out a yelp before instinctively rushing over and grabbing the blond man's arm he was using to grab the other man's shirt. [color=6ecff6]U-um, please don't--[/color] Jasmyn mumbled, but as she heard her voice get lost in the din she practically yelled [color=6ecff6]"Please don't fight! And if you do, take it outside!"[/color] Once more she had done something without thinking. Her face flushed red in emberassment, what was with her today? Certain she had both men's attention, she said [color=6ecff6]"This man--[/color] Pointing at the man who had handed her the form [color=6ecff6]--is just doing his job. You can't just go around beating people up because you aren't willing to write a two-million word essay."[/color] She away from the blond man and spoke to the man who'd handed out the forms [color=6ecff6]"And on that same note, here's your form back. I'm grateful for the opportunity, but I don't think this'll be something for me.[/color]