When the screaming started Gemma tensed up and her mind seemed to fall miles behind her body. Like the men she reached to the fire and grabbed one of the burning logs, not caring about the embers stinging her hand. She gripped it between both of her fists and turned to May. "Run! Get to the water with the others!" Gemma looked around and saw Horace running toward the bank and one of the other women lying dead on the ground. She saw Sasha fighting and then one more panther creature left. She ran full speed toward the thing and swung her burning log right into its ribcage. It fell to the ground yowling and before it could regain its balance she jabbed the burning end of her stick into its eyes then beat it over the head repeatedly, screaming all the while, till it lay still. Chest heaving, she looked toward the water and saw nothing else moving. She ran closer to the water to check on the others. "Everyone alright?"