As her terror subsided and her heartbeat began to slow, Emilia could think clearly again, or at least relatively so. She wanted, no, needed, to know what had transpired between her departure from Earth and her entry into stasis. [i]The ship's computer...[/i] She thought. That was her only hope for piecing events together until her memory returned. [i]There should be an interface somewhere nearby...[/i] She pressed her hand to the frigid ceiling to turn herself. In her earlier cognitive fog, she hadn't noticed how emaciated she had become. The tendons in her hand moved and flexed visibly beneath the skin as she pushed away. Fixated on the bulges of her wrist bones and the stick-like arms they were connected to, she didn't immediately notice the figure in her field of vision. [i]How did this happen? A malfunction in the stasis pod?[/i] Or was she already this malnourished when before she'd entered the pod? The questions in Emilia's mind were accumulating rapidly, which only deepened her need for answers. If the rest of her body had been this severely damaged, what if her brain was equally atrophied? [i]What if my memory never recovers?[/i] Then it was only more imperative that she learn as much as she could from the computer. She pulled her mind away from her horrified fascination with her own anatomy to re-focus on finding the nearest interface. Before she could move, though, her eyes found something much more interesting. At the sight of him, she reflexively jerked away in momentary shock. She had thought all of the other pods were empty. Was he another hallucination, like her vision of the steel-walled hallway? She stared at him for a handful of seconds that seemed like minutes. Skepticism was evident on her features. She expected him to vanish at any time. When he didn't disappear with a blink of her eyes, Emilia decided he must be real. [b]“Who... Who are you?”[/b] She asked tentatively, continuing to stare.[b]“Do you remember anything?”[/b] He was just as gaunt as she and from that she surmised that whatever had caused her condition had affected him as well. Dishearteningly, she realized he was probably afflicted with the same lack of anamnesis that she was experiencing.