[h3]Charles Balderdash[/h3] Dutifully, Charles had scribbled down Dimitri’s abridged history of his world on a note pad and made a thoughtful noise as he read over it. “Well it all sounds…interesting.” Charles scribbled out the chanted words with annoyance. “From the sounds of it all Catalysts act like batteries; storing magical energy to be used at a later date. Quite ingenious actually.” With a quick thank you Charles picked up the curiously cold drink. He could smell the alcohol in it and yet it was still sweet, enough to take away the sharpness of everything else but not so much as to be sickly. While it was against rules to drink while on duty he saw no harm in having little taste, for scientific purposes of course. Frowning more in thought than the drink itself he then asked “You said that Catalyst is fused with your Soul Essence. Would that be some sort of ritual of some kind or a specific spell?” Taking a swig Charles took a moment to savour the flavours and enjoy how surprising smooth it was. Thoroughly impressed, setting the drink back down Charles opened his mouth to continue questioning Dimitri. Then the drink hit his stomach, and then his skull with the force of truck. “Oh.” He blinked several times trying to make his eyes come back into focus. “Wow, that is…umm…uh. Jesus Christ, um. Strong.” It took Charles several attempts to pull out one of the chairs surrounding the table, but thankfully one to fall into it. “Sir. May I be excused?” He giggled with his face in his hands. “Just…just gimme….uh une très minute . Haha, one very minute.” [@Affili]