[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/w18T1S3.png[/img][/center] [color=8882be]"Huh?"[/color] Lauren turned to her left to catch a glimpse of the ivory-on-ivory figure of Amy Desire drifting up beside her. She was clearly still confused - probably adjusting to being called Lorena without the succeeding words being some variation of "did you steal that car" or "why is this girl out cold" - but it quickly cleared up, along with her surly demeanor, at Amy's question. [color=8882be]"Oh, you'll love Pops!"[/color] she exclaimed. [color=8882be]"He's pretty chill, always an open-minded type-a guy, taught me everything I know about everything! He also taught me never to get trapped by a stripper, come to think of it...but if I say you're cool, he'll know you're cool!"[/color] She nudged Amy's side, underneath her right arm, with an elbow with a roguish grin. [color=8882be]"Trust me, Desire, the only person you need to worry about flaying your clothes off ain't no threat to you today. Not with [i]Pope Benjamin[/i] telling me I have to do forty Hail Marys and carry a crucifix from here to Redwood before I get to be a real girl again."[/color] She made a half-hearted kick at the back of Ben's knee before her Scroll buzzed. Reaching down into her shirt and withdrawing the device, she read the text with eyebrows that arched together faintly as she went along: [code] Sender: Estelle Nuit [STATUS: SCAMMED WEEK 1] Recipient: Roarin' Lauren Negasi Message: Hey. Uh, this is Stella. By any chance do you have my credit card? I need it back.[/code] [color=8882be][i]Gulp.[/i][/color] It wasn't between [i]her[/i] boobs. Lauren patted down the pockets of Ben's stolen jeans, trying to make sure that she hadn't slipped her best friend the Survival professor's stolen credit card in her drunken stupor Friday night. But no dice. Just to be sure, she reached over and squeezed Ben's ass, two handed, to check for a card. No card. Her jacket, maybe? Lauren leaned over and peeked down the front of her favorite piece of clothing, peering between her teammate's boobs in hopes of finding a limitless credit card tucked safely in the hawk Faunus' chest. But no dice. [color=8493ca][i]G u l p.[/i][/color] [code] Sender: Roarin' Lauren Negasi Recipient: Estelle Nuit [STATUS: SCAMMED WEEK 1] Message: I'll keep an eye out![/code] [color=8882be]"Check the pockets, will ya, babe?"[/color] she asked casually. [color=8882be]"Did I leave a candy bar in there or something? I'm feeling peckish."[/color]