And with a mighty cry, the Behemoth fell, making a thunderous thud as his now corpse fell to the ground. Lorek made a not so thunderous thud as he fell on his backside, exhausted from the fight. Dropping his staff, he pulled out a journal from his pack and scribbled something down quickly. [i][color=fff200]Behemoths: Healed by thunder. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.[/color][/i] Lorek had kept tab on the several creatures that roamed the land of Gran Pulse. He called his little journal [u]How Not to Lose Your Pulse in Gran Pulse: A Bestiary.[/u] He wrote about these creatures for his own benefit, keeping track of various weaknesses and strength, and to preserve some information about them, in case Cocoon succeeded in their campaign to take over Gran Pulse. But as long as Lorek could still cast spells, he would do everything in his power to prevent that from happening. Lorek put his bestiary back in his pack and picked up his staff, heading back over to the Cie'th Stone that gave him the quest to kill the behemoth king. The stone promised knowledge of a Black Magic spell, Gravity. He quickly accepted the quest when he found out the reward and didn't care as he did, as he would do next to anything to expand his knowledge on Black Magic. [i][color=fff200]Let's hope this spell is a powerful as that beast was...[/color][/i]