[i] Horace was surprised with Gemma's berserker battle fury, she killed the very beast he was aiming to take down. Once the dust settled down he waited to see if there were going to be any more of the creatures attacking them, when no more came he eased himself out of the battle adrenaline and started to asses the damage. Sasha was going to need to be taken care of, his wound was going to kill him if it wasn't immediately worked on. The others were somewhat more or less fine without major injury. With the battle high dying out everyone would soon be entering a daze and that was going to be counter productive. "Anyone know medical practice well enough to patch up Sasha?" he asked the group giving them something to work on to keep them going. "Ysran you seem somewhat practiced with cutting things up, can you patch up as well?" Horace was referring to how expertly he had dissected the fish, he hoped Ysran's skills varied well enough to save a life though he did turn his eyes to the girls to see if they would pitch in. Maybe one of them was a nurse or something. "I know I can't help him so I am going to go look for the other woman and check on what happened to her," he said leaving the group taking his burning stick with him. It was terrible lighting as it constantly dimmed but some lighting was better than none. He walked in the direction of the beasts and was not surprised to find Susan in a pool of her own blood, her corpse was still eerily warm giving the feint of life. He closed her eyes and for a moment his eyes wondered over her body, such a shame the woman had been a looker. He thought about burying her but that would be a time consuming exercise, instead it would be better to cremate her, it might attract other predators, but they would be tight for time regardless and finding food and shelter tomorrow would take greater precedence. He grew distracted by the corpse and found himself passing a hand over it feeling the wounds created by the beast, the femininity of the woman was compelling, but his interest was in how precise the beast had been. She had been delivered a fatal blow almost instantly, such a surprise attack was incredible. The beasts had not proven difficult to deal with once faced head on, but this level of attack suggests that they were capable of greater coordination. Maybe what they had killed were unseasoned hunters.[/i]