[center][@Zahir][/center] Charles would raise a brow as he seen how Aviva went then his comments made Charles sigh shaking his head "Yes I am one of the founding people of this world, and like I said it isn't important. The Past is the Past" he simply states "What one should look to is the future, or all they'll find is pain and horror" he would say looking at Aviva before stepping through a large archway to the outside. They would be in what looked like a small old time village, a wooden wall around surround the village, various buildings of stone and wood. The road being dirt, carts going back and forth as people go and come from the various shops and outside the village. Though horses wouldn't be pulling any of the carts instead it would be strange beasts of various kinds. One looking similar to a rhino except it's horn flattens out like a shovel at the end and is much bigger. There was even what looked like small green skinned people running around, with spiked ears and a slightly angled nose. They would be goblins, carrying various crates from some carts to the shops. Charles would be walking towards a structure that's bottom half is made of stone while the top, which extended outwards farther creating an overhang, would be made of wood. A sign would hang above the door with the picture of an egg in a nest with a strange lizard wrapped around it. "This is where we'll be staying and getting a bite.. it is an Inn" he simply states the obvious. As soon as they enter, the what was a loud bustling room suddenly goes quiet as many people sitting at tables across the room turn to the entrance of the newcomers. They would all suddenly stand up and shout "Welcome back Master!" all of them suddenly standing very formal like they was dealing with royalty, some had frightened faces as if a nightmare had just returned. Charles would seem to simply ignore them as he walked forwards, glancing back at Aviva "These are your former superiors as I guess you could call it" he states "Everyone in this world besides the first ten.. are all people we have taken as apprentices into this world... This does not mean any of them has mastered magic no a lot like those infront of you gave up and decided to live here in this world forever, but this also doesn't mean they don't know any magic.. they have enough to live and fight monsters that run amok" Charles would turn away for Aviva when they reached the counter. A woman would come out with cat ears, she would politely greet Charles like all the others yet she wasn't at all afraid. "Two plates of dinner and two rooms" he simply states which she nods and produces two keys handing them to Charles "The meal will be out in just a moment" she speaks. Charles would head to an empty table sitting "Though Most of the monsters in this world was made by us.." he says going back to the topic at hand. "We created various creatures just to satisfy our curiosity, by using magic to combine various creatures and creating new species." he states "which we allow to simply run around and live in this world like everything else" After a few minutes the woman would come out from a back room and set down two plates and two bowls on the table "Tonight's meal consists of Dragon steak, freshly caught, and elder Ent apple soup" The woman would say before walking away. Charles would begin to eat thinking of what short of training regiment he is going to put Aviva through. By this point all the people would of started to go back to their own business though would always glance in their direction from time to time.