[@DeadlyPhoenix] Ellen snickered at Anjelica's comment, but straightened up at attention when Mrs. Sawyer impatiently cleared her throat. "As I was saying." she continued as she pushed a curled strand of red hair behind her ear. "In this class you'll be learning about the various elements that are the root of all natural and supernatural abilities. It's quite a broad topic, spanning the heavens and the earth, and it can be quite intimidating. However, this is an intro level course intended to provide you with a foundation-level knowledge of the topic." Mrs. Sawyer paused for a moment, looking at the sea of confused faces before her and smiling. She turned to the board, "Let's start with some history." She quickly sketched up five symbols on the chalkboard. [center]金 木 水 火 土[/center] She set the chalk back down and gestured towards the symbols. "Who can tell me what these are?"