[quote=@Dblade26] It's kind of already all been over and done with for an hour or more, y'know. [/quote] I know but it's something that can easily be systemic based on what was said and how. Tensions like that, particularly where a large part of the problem is how each person reads the tone of the other, need to be cut down at the root. The core of the problem was that there was too much ambiguity in the setting, right? So going forward, that's something everyone should keep in mind. Since everyone is able to make new areas, it should be something everyone keeps in mind. Either give enough description to avoid similar misunderstandings or, for everyone else, ask for more details before assuming something like the dimensions of the setting. Also try to avoid reading tone in ooc posts. I saw all three of you doing that, and it seemed to raise the tension which could have been outright avoided. Sorry to be preachy, I've been in a lot of similar situations and looking back on them, they could have been avoided easily. Just trying to help avoid similar scenarios.