[@rocketrobie2] I was all over the place with this micro. One minute I was going for something of a futuristic viking armor mixed with motocross. Then I went with the leather jacket and pants and a more demonic head and horns, then after losing that because I forgot to save my work I started trying to do something to really set it apart. I thought about what if a Demon like character was Ghost Rider. How would it differ from the skull head, what else could be done with the suit, etc... so there's a bit of a fire effect meant in the glowing lines of his suit. His lance is also composed of solid hellfire. He's a little taller than avatar size: Speed Demon... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/12YJ_zpsu5epamlk.png[/img] ~KL~