[quote=@Lime Blossoms] LATE REPLIES AHOY-- c: Most def! If you want to pre-plan anything, feel free to let me know beforehand! Otherwise I'd definitely up for throwing Hina at your girl at some point for interaction~ Hina would probably come to recognize him as her frowny coworker if they happened to have overlapping shifts, then. She'd also probably casually sidle up to him at one point and offer him a sweet just to gauge his reaction. [i]Are you a mean coworker, or is that just your face--[/i] [/quote] That'd be three people working at a coffee place. If Hina and Alexander will be working at one, there's also [@Write]'s Hitomi who "works at a small coffee shop just a block from the school" on "weekend mornings", so you all could probably brainstorm something up there.