[center][img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/34f67cf7-4647-4e30-a393-4ca1b72e1bca.jpg[/img] [h3]Klaus [color=cccccc]|[/color] 2k [color=cccccc]|[/color] Male[/h3][/center] [indent][b]Appearance:[/b] [justify][indent][color=cccccc]Klaus is tall and lean at 6', was turned in his late twenties, and almost looks like a man out of a perfume commercial: his high cheekbones, long eyelashes, and defined jawline makes him a perfect predator. He prefers to wear clothes that are in style, common, and fashionable to blend in with human society. His dark brown hair is usually lazily slicked back and accompanied by a thin, trimmed layer of hair along his jawline, chin, and upper lip. Unless you're waking up beside him, it's rare to see his shaggy mane disheveled and facial hair untrimmed. He has a pale and narrow face, complimented by a long and defined nose. His eyes are a dark brown, as well, though they occasionally seem to be almost red. When the vampire talks or laughs, it's not difficult to get a glimpse of his pointed fangs.[/color][/indent][/justify] [b]Personality:[/b] [justify][indent][color=cccccc]Klaus comes off as very laid back and easy going, maybe even a little smug, but formal. He can be very charismatic and flirtatious, as well (his flirting can be rather goofy, making an especially friendly first impression). That said, he has a darker and more serious that comes out when he feels vulnerable or angry. Underneath the immediate exterior, he can be rather sadistic and cruel. If he catches you alone and doesn’t think any repercussions will come of it, he’ll be rather antagonizing. He believes he hasn't lived so long by being nice and he has done plenty of bad things. However, Klaus has many layers: at his core he's surprisingly romantic and idealistic. He appreciates faithfulness and is even loyal to his breed in general despite his general dislike of other vampires. He finds it difficult to trust others, but can and will open up about himself and his history if you earn his trust.[/color][/indent][/justify] [b]Bio:[/b] [justify][indent][color=cccccc]Born in Athens, Greece just before Rome conquered the territory, Klaus was taken as a child slave. Orphaned, there wasn't many other options for him. His life as a slave was relatively decent, and he grew loyal and friendly to the boy who would grow to be his master. The bond between them was more comparable to friendship than it was slave and master, though the power dynamic became more and more obvious with age. Still, Klaus remained loyal if subdued. Besides, despite growing tall and big compared to others during the time period, he was given the cushy slave life: most of his chores involved cooking. He was even allowed to take a job to work to buy his freedom if he chose, but he was complacent. When the master grew old enough to marry, however, Klaus became enamored with the wife. She was full of life and strength and she was never afraid to remind you of it. Still, he kept his distance—he knew better: not only was he a slave and she a free woman, she was married to his master and friend. Despite this, the woman seemed drawn to Klaus, as well. Like many Romans, she was fascinated with Greek culture and the Greeks themselves, and he was far quieter and much more thoughtful than her husband. At first he would shy away from her advances, but he eventually warmed up to her and the two seemed to be in love. An affair continued behind the master’s back. One night, the master walked in on the lovers. Rather than take responsibility for the affair, the woman insisted that Klaus had forced himself upon her and he had little choice but to flee. The master was persistent, however, and was on his heels with city guards as the slave ran away. It wasn’t long before he was cornered, though he didn’t have a chance to defend himself—the men and master were slain by a single figure. Klaus thought he was safe until the killer turned on him. Unlike the other men, though, he awoke from death as a vampire. Despite saving his life, his sire was less than kind: Klaus was treated as a source of blood for his sire and was sexually abused. This kept him weak, and he was unable to venture out on his own for a long time. It was only when he was allowed to leave that he did, about twenty five years since his rebirth. By this point in his life, Klaus had come to detest slavery for obvious reasons. The circumstances of his turning has made him relatively weak for a vampire; vampires his age--and even younger--have been able to best him since and he is still very aware of his weakness. Klaus continued through life on his own. He dodged other vampires out of fear and he definitely did his best to avoid getting tangled up with slayers. Though one day, he met Stelios, another vampire--oddly enough also of Greek origin. The two hit it off and were lovers for well over a century, Klaus able to comfortably rely on another for the first time in a long time. However, Klaus was mostly unaware of his status as Stelios' rebound and they didn't last. Getting over the break up (but left a little more confident in himself), Klaus traveled the world himself: the Byzantine Empire, northern and western Europe, parts of Asia and Africa (though he learned that Africa is a VERY sunny place and this was a short journey). He eventually turned his interest on the New World. In America, he met Mira: she was a human woman nearing death. She had lived a full life, but she was greedy and wanted more. Out of pity and probably loneliness, he turned her. The two have only been platonic, forming a father-daughter or brother-sister relationship but have been travelling together ever since. And more recently, Klaus met and fell in love with a woman named Natalie Holmes. He turned her; however, she hated being a vampire so much that she killed herself. And so his story continues.[/color][/indent][/justify] [b]Power:[/b] [justify][indent][color=cccccc]None, actually, and a fact he keeps to himself. Despite being such an old vampire, Klaus is relatively weak due to the life he had after being turned. Even his enhanced speed, strength, and senses are dull compared to Olivia's. [/color][/indent][/justify] [b]Other: [/b] [indent][color=cccccc]- Klaus has turned only two others into vampires throughout his long life. - He's bisexual and ambidextrous. - He poses among humans as a traveling artist. - He enjoys art, piano, billards/pool, language, and travel[/color][/indent][/indent]