Emerging into normalspace in a flash of light and Cherenkov radiation, the [i]Sword of Vengeance[/i] was immediately targeted by two of the nearest pirate ships, a pair of old Archangel-class cruisers several hundred klicks off their starboard flank. They immediately shifted vectors and began to close with the much larger battlecruiser. “Picking up fire-control emissions,” Tactical reported, then, “energy spike! They’ve locked on to us.” [Shields to full!] Sovv ordered. “Target them back!” Stardust added. “Lock on all starboard guns. But hold fire until they fire first.” “Acknowledged!” Tactical replied. The battlecruiser’s starboard weapons tracked and spun to face the two light cruisers; energy mounted and coiled at their emitters, ready to unleash fire and brimstone at the push of a button. “Comms,” Stardust said after several long moments, “send them a hostile challenge and request for ID.” “At once, Admiral,” the comms specialist acknowledged, switching to an open band. “Pirate cruisers, this is the [i]Sword of Vengeance[/i]. Halt your approach and identify yourselves, or we will open fire.” A moment of static-filled silence followed before a worn, irritable voice replied, “Ah. Admiral Stardust. This is the [i]Calico Jack[/i]. We want a negotiator.” At his request, comms put Stardust on the same comm band as the [i]Calico Jack[/i]. “Follow our instructions, and we’ll see what we can do. Halt your approach. [i]Now.[/i]” The two cruisers complied, holding position ten klicks outside the battlecruiser’s point defense perimeter. [i]Too easy,[/i] Stardust thought. [i]But I’ll take it.[/i] “Maintain contact on this channel,” Stardust told the [i]Calico Jack[/i]. “We will get you a negotiator asap. Stand by.” He closed his connection, then said to the comms specialist, “Get me CENTCOM Operations, Gold channel one.” “Yes sir.” Moments later, a new voice appeared in Stardust’s headset. [i]“CENTCOM Operations.”[/i] “CENTCOM, this is Admiral Turcotte, Battleaxe Actual,” Stardust told them, identifying himself and his flagship. “On station in Sirius system, responding to distress calls. We have confirmation that planetary defenses are down and the garrison is nowhere to be found. Planetary population and infrastructure status is confirmed Code White. They are requesting a negotiator.” [i]“Copy that, Admiral,”[/i] CENTCOM replied. [i]“Did they say what they want?”[/i] “Negative. Requesting civil negotiator be dispatched ASAP.” [i]“Affirmative, sir. The diplomatic vessel[/i] Colonial Seven [i]has been prepped and is standing by. Ambassador Anderson has been briefed. We will dispatch them at once, ETA 5.25 hours. Please pass along any further intel or correspondence to the Ambassador.”[/i] “Roger wilco, CENTCOM,” Stardust acknowledged. “Battleaxe, clear.” With a button he terminated the connection, and with another flipped over to the pirates’ frequency. “Your negotiator’s enroute, ETA just over five hours. Refrain from any hostile action and we will refrain from venting you into space.” A chuckle reverberated over the comlink. “You’re outnumbered and outgunned, Admiral. Take care with your words.” Click. [i]Transmission terminated.[/i] “Now we wait,” he muttered, eyeing the holodisplay showing the area around Central, and the myriad hostile sparks around it. [Admiral,] Sovv told him, [We have detected an Asari cruiser, the [i]Cyclone.[/i]] “Good. We aren’t the only ones in the shit…”