[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/ArtlIO1.png?1[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT]Having changed the bedding and pillows in her room to something more her taste, Karlie put a pair of headphones on her head and tucked the iHolo into the back pocket of her shorts. Pulling her tanktop down to cover her stomach, the crop top slid up as soon as she released it. Exhaling, Karlie felt her stomach growl as the need to eat overpowered her need to be modest. Wandering the manor, Karlie went in search of the kitchen, racking her head to remember where it had been when Grayson and Zatanna showed the group around. Spinning around, Karlie took a few steps backwards before colliding with another person. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Oi!"[/B][/COLOR] She shouted, tripping backwards. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Hashtag, walking here."[/B][/COLOR] Karlie added, catching herself and turning around to find herself face to face with a lean blonde teen. Recognizing him as the Frenchman, Karlie took a couple steps back as she removed her headphones. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Oh hey, sorry French Fry."[/B][/COLOR] Looking around, Karlie realized she was hopelessly lost in the mansion. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B][I]Can walk the streets of Manhattan like a second home, gets lost in an oversized house. Great hero in the works here.[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"So uh, hey."[/B][/COLOR] Karlie began. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Julien right? Do you know the way to the kitchen? 'Cause let me tell you, this sister is hastag hungry."[/B][/COLOR] Karlie continued as she tapped her middle and index fingers together to make a 'hashtag'. She rocked back and forth on her heels, awaiting an answer from the Frenchman, hoping he did in fact speak English and she hadn't missed the universal translator hand out. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B][I]That'd be pretty cool actually.[/I][/B][/COLOR][/INDENT]