Oh okay that makes sense, yeah I have to say if I could control nightmares, I can't say that I wouldn't be tempted to send them after someone that really pissed me off. So this test that Nathan was thinking about, does it test for controllers too? Can they tell the mutations in the gene? Because on the one hand it would make sense, but on the other, would that even be possible? I think you might have said something about the a gene that made it were some people couldn't be hurt by nightmares or the nightmares can't see them. But you never named them. I like that idea though because they would be really useful in fighting nightmares, but not so much that they could take over like can sometimes be the case with humans immune to things that ruin cities. Ah that's a good point, I wasn't sure if they could pay their way out of it since the nightmare killed like three of the other kids. Awe well I'm glad that you like it instead of finding it annoying. I like that you ask questions too, because I hadn't thought of Damia's job or the type of differences in the mutations. Which is actually interesting when you think, there could be more then just his sensing and her cloaking. Also that is a really good idea! I think the character section would work great and be easier to find.