As the... thing faded away, Fortune was surprised to quickly discover that the world itself seemed to disappear with it. There were no doubt writers or artists that might have been able to properly capture what it felt like to watch the world disappear into nothingness in front of your very eyes, but Fortune wasn't one of them. As he drifted weightlessly in the void with far fewer people then whom he had started this twisted journey with, a part of him wondered if he could have done something differently... to have acted in such a way as to save at least one more life before this whole facade had fallen apart. He suspected... In an instant he caught himself, blinking in surprise as a revelation reveled itself to him in this moment of nothingness. The world he had just been in had been designed to make those apart of it suffer... and there was no greater question that caused suffering then to ask oneself 'What if?' However, they weren't alone for long. A figure soon joined them; Her figure suggested a woman who had either been born or married into wealth and fine dining, but the way she swam in the nothingness... the fact that she had appeared to them out of the void itself was a dire warning in and of itself. And it seemed content to let them '[i]try[/i]' to kill it. Was it bluffing or was it merely some kind of game? Rather then strike out and risk it, he decided to ask a pointed question. "Are you done? Are you finished finding amusement out of this twisted game?"