[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wm6Jk0r.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADfIlLfs5Bk[/youtube] [hr] [hr] [/center] This was familiar territory for Maya, Imarusa β or otherwise known as Alpha Centurai β to humankind held a place close to her own heart. She felt at ease as the ship sailed through the majestic oceans of space, her homeland. The Ivari had always held a positive bond with humanity from the very first days of their arrival, Maya respected them, they were dedicated, adventurous and at times believed in working in groups to achieve a higher purpose, traits that her own people upheld strongly. Maya remained within the passenger bay with the rest of the crew, she looked rather content and amused, perching herself backwards off the edge of a luggage crate with her head towards the ground and feet fidgeting and kicking upwards towards the sky, she looked almost like a small child searching for a random way to amuse herself. She did however appear to be meditating or praying to some sort of important deity, her eyes closed and lips whispered in personal prayer, clearly in the language of her own people and her translator turned off. Her fingertips glowed a gentle blue tint as a bottle of water would appear to float miraculously beside her head, a straw perking out towards her lips. This was Mayas first time to the human station SOLUS, despite being a resident to the solar system she never had the opportunity to visit. Maya was never a fan of space stations, they felt artificial and unrealistic, they really couldn't compare to the real thing, tree's, real oxygen and the outdoors was an environment she grew up around, so finding herself within such a location made her less than comfortable. Maya soon ceased her personal praying, this was a regular sight for non Ivari when observing them first hand, many people believe them to be a little too spiritual, getting lost in their own beliefs and thoughts and at times forcing them upon other species, Maya however believed in individuality and she'd tend to keep it to herself. Her eyes opened as she felt the ship decelerate, her senses noticing a difference in vibrations coming from the ships engines, with this change her focus aimed upon her fellow hunters, they were an intriguing group to observe however the vast majority of them expressed an less than organic nature apart from one woman she believed to be called Harriet, her organic and plant-like appearance widened both her eyes and her interest, with peaking childish curiosity she'd gracefully levitate herself back and off from her perched position to stand fully upright. As she'd joyfully move towards the beautiful organic presence her fingertips would once again glow as her water bottle would float to take grip into her right hand and a large rifle also perched upon the luggage boxes would manoeuvre itself to her other hand, lighting up and activating in recognition of her own identity. However her interest in Harriet was cut short as a loud clap caused her long pointed ears to twitch, a sound more sensitive to her than the others. With a slight shock her head would snap towards Commander Rickland as he'd grab everyone's attention. She'd almost look like a deer caught in headlights, glaring at him and giving a cheeky and awkward grin and another twitch of her ears, it was almost rather cute. [color=f26522]"Be right there boss!"[/color] She'd say cheerily with an accent closely representing Human Irish before moving onward with a swift little bounce to her step.