Alright so that took much longer than expected, but anyway without further ado here's my dude. Also my friend would like to join in this RP too but he's been lurking and will hopefully send his GC soon and he's going to be playing Akio. [hider=Edward Hudson] [list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Edward Hudson [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=]"The only white kid around."[/url] Edward is a tall, lanky boy with a muscular build. He stands around 5"11. [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Edward is an aloof teen. He is sarcastic and dry, and almost always has a "could not care less face on". But when you get underneath all that he's, well, still an ass but a loyal and more caring ass. If you make a good impression on him, or share common interest you can get him talking for hours, it's just getting to that point is much harder than it should be. Edward is also, to put it frank, lazy. He loves naps and sleeping and general. He will also put things off to the last minute if possible but somehow his grades don't suffer much for it. He doesn't exactly enjoy fighting but sees it as a means to an end and he's good enough at it but will only fight if there's a benefit to him winning. [*][u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Edward's father is a widower from England. He had Edward at a young age, long before he wanted to give up fighting. Edward's father (Jonas) is a world famous martial artist after all. Jonas often traveled the world entering, and often winning, many tournaments. Jonas and Edward's mother weren't married more of a hook up ever time Jonas came back to England, and Edward was to put bluntly an accident. Jonas understood his duties and by that it simply meant he sent home some of his earnings. When Jonas was away fighting, Edward's mother would look after him, she however passed away from a car crash when Edward was only 5. Just old for Edward to remember her hug. Instead of embracing his son and getting closer, Jonas instead steeled his focus on fighting. In a tournament in Japan Jonas sustained a career threatening injury. Whilst in Japan he fell in love with the nurse attending to him and he promised to return then married. At age 12 Edward was uprooted from England and moved to Japan. Suddenly Edward was the only white person for miles. This was only amplified his anti-social tendencies. He would often skip school and daydream in class but he would always make the grades he needed to get by. The sudden change in culture, language and just about everything really cultured shocked Edward, and he didn't adapt well to his new surroundings. Often he would also provoke other kids poking fun or teasing them. More often than not got him into street fights, which Edward would almost always run from. Not from fear per se but because fighting is a hassle to him and he didn't enjoy it. This enraged Jonas however, his slack and laziness went completely against his martial art training. And being called a weakling didn't help his fathers opinion of him either. Ultimately, this is why Jonas entered Shiroyama to teach him discipline Edward doesn't have many friends but he does have a best friend Akio. Akio and Edward bonding pretty quick over their love of well just about everything. They had similar taste in music, tv, comics, video games and everything a teenage boy loves. Akio helped him adapt to his new environment. The few times Edward actually tries is to help his friend. Edward for the most part was laying low from the whole fighting scene until Akio got in a street fight. He couldn't stand idly by he decided to actually fight for once, and he found he wasn't half-bad. Deciding from then on to be more active in the fights at school, to get his dad off his back and to get sweet bonuses Edward decided to be Akio's partner in crime. [*][u][b]Inherent Engine Skill:[/b][/u] [u]Beauty Mark [/u] - Edward has the ability to mark objects with a star. Edward can than put another star on a different inanimate, non-AED object and he can attract these two objects together. The speed can get surprising high when the two objects attract. They mark doesn't last forever and can be dismissed by Edward at anytime. It's not impossible to stop the two objects from colliding just requires a lot of strength. [*][u][b]Active Engine Device:[/b][/u][u]Mercury[/u] - Edward's AED is a stupidly large claymore. Now this would be almost unusable by Edward if it couldn't change it's state. Mercury can change into liquid on command and in it's liquid form Edward has full control over it's shape and movement. Despite it's name it's not actually made of mercury instead made out of durable steel. Said durability transfers over into it's liquid state meaning Edward can make razor shape blades, spears, shield or really anything that Edward wants and has enough metal to transform into. It draw back is it's not the fastest so transforming isn't instant and the range isn't that great either, only being as long as Edward could swing the blade in it's regular form. Which Edward can switch back to at any moment deciding he wants to for whatever reason. It's often carried on his back in regular solid form for intimidation and looks something like [url=] this[/url][/list] [list] [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Edward is surprising clever and is able to think on his feet and strategize. He has been trained in martial arts by his father who still makes him do it, and has worked up a fair bit of strength lugging around Mercury. [*][u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] 22th [*][u][b]Club:[/b][/u] Edward is looking for a club to join, to make his father get off his back.[/list] [/hider]