[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UNgeKn1.png[/img][hr]Space Station Solus - Passenger Room[hr][/center] Ah, finally heading back to the good ol' Hunting Lodge. It had been nearly three and a half years since she'd been back. Her last job went horribly wrong leaving her stranded for two years even after the long term she'd been there before it all blew up. Thank the stars her previous commander had had the foresight to plan for hazards that may befall his team. That was just about the only thing that saved her from indefinite detainment and tests. Visiting alien worlds meant all manor of potential injuries, infections and the like. After being cleared as a non-contagion the woman was allowed to go. Placed on the SC Sirius with a number of other members and new recruits Harriet was on her way to be debriefed. This entire time she had been mostly out of contact and had not yet had the chance to explain what had happened. Whilst onboard she was kept somewhat away from the others. While she may not be a biological danger there was still a lot unknown about what kind of creature she'd become. Sitting alone near the front she glanced about at the others. Amazing how many species signed on for the GAHL. Every time there were always new ones that she'd never seen. In the past she'd been a little leary of other species. That was probably terrible of her but her experience opened her eyes. As alien to herself as she was to them she had resolved to be kinder to them. Well, once she was allowed to interact anyway. The ship arriving at the station the were docked in a hangar and Commander Rickland addressed them once everything was good for them to leave. Their orders seemed to cut off someone that had taken interest in the plant woman. Familiar with GAHL procedures she headed out as ordered. [color=limegreen]"Yes sir."[/color] Was her succinct reply. Everything felt different, odd. It was difficult to describe. A place like this was not unusual to her but her altered state of being changed her senses. She could feel subtle changes in temperature, various scents and fragrances that ordinarily would pass of as normal, and smell and even taste the carbon dioxide in the air. Probably the one sense that suffered from her transformation was the sense of touch. She simply did not have the same sensory nerves like before. Probably the best way to describe it was that she noticed pressure than actually feeling it. The wanderings of her mind were drawn back into the present goings on as they were escorted to HQ. Again placed aside she awaited an commander or officer to approach her or give her instruction. Supposedly something was to be done with her specifically, but the details were never relayed to her. Watching the other hunters filter in she got a better look at them from this vantage. Though Harriet felt that she stuck out like a sore thumb.