[center] [h1][color=92278f] Aviva [/color] [/h1] [/center] Aviva heard the male's sign as he took interest in it he looked over at the male. Nodding to the male's words he seemed to have a few questions but didn't speak them aloud.[i] . . .The past is the past... [/i][color=92278f]"But...it's who makes you in the future and if you just forget about the past you forget about yourself."[/color] Aviva comments as he whispers this under his breath. Entering a doorway to the outside now. Aviva looks around as he sees a small village with a wooden wall around it, different carpentry work on the (stone & wooden) buildings, dirt roads filled with carts going every direction, and various shops and creatures. [color=92278f]"Beautiful"[/color] Aviva says as he approached an odd looking creature. Which it was parked by a shop as the individuals carried packages from the cart to the shop. He stood there looking at the creature in the eyes. Aviva got somewhat close but, he didn't dare get too close to this creature he knew nothing about. Turning his body Aviva realized he was far away from Master Kilin as he noticed the male was already down the road. Aviva hurried up and dashed to the male who was bringing him into this dimension, the world, etc. . . Tilting his head slightly to the right as he seemed to have something caught his eye. It was a sign with an egg in a nest with a strange lizard wrapped around it carved into the wooden sign. [color=92278f]"Mhm...I didn't notice. I certainly thought it was a cave."[/color] Aviva replied to Charles Kilins statement with a sarcastic remark and a grin to go along with it. Hearing the rambling noise of chatter, stomping of weight under footsteps, silverware against dishes, and other noises. Aviva followed in after Charles Kilin entered. [b]'Welcome back Master'[/b] cheerful voices shouted out followed along with terrified faces. Glaring at Charles Kilin. Aviva seemed to tense up at these facial expressions from some of the individuals in the room. He seemed to look like he just stepped into somewhere he wasn't comfortable in or couldn't trust. [color=92278f]"Now if they decided to live here why do they look so unhappy?"[/color] Aviva questioned as he blurted the words right out. Usually not having a filter on himself in situations like this. He was one to see the pain of a person easier then seeing the happiness. Noticing a female came out that had ears right on the top of her head. He titled his head slightly as he stared at these two furry shapes. Not listening to what Charles Kilin spoke with the female. Aviva seemed way more interested why she had ears on her head[i]. . . .Are those real?. . . [/i]internally questioning himself. Aviva realized he was staring at her for to long and seemed embarrassed and felt rude. Paying attention back at Master Kilin. The other male began to talk. [color=92278f]"How charming of you. Usually people would just put their creations in a cage and call it a day."[/color] He chuckled a little as he smiled at the other male. [color=92278f]"Now the real question is. Why make a world like this one?"[/color] Aviva asked as he seemed slightly interested in his question. Noticing the woman with cat ears came out again he looked at her in the eyes this time. To be more polite then his first impression. As she said her words. He titled his head to the left as he looked confused. [color=92278f]"Dragon steak...elder ent?"[/color] He questioned. [color=92278f]"Wait...we're eating trees that come alive?"[/color] Aviva seems slightly concerned as he looks at the bowl of soup. He knew what an Ent was and that just concerned him what he was about to put in his mouth. [color=92278f]"I don't know if that's..."[/color] he paused [color=92278f]"edible to me."[/color] He smiled a smile of [i]'what are you trying to poison me?'[/i] to Charles Kilin. As he stared right at him. Aviva huffed and looked at the female [color=92278f]"Thank you."[/color] He mumbled as he picked up the spoon ad swirled the soup around in the bowl. [@olcharlieboi]