[quote=@Aquanthe] What about [i]two shields[/i]? He could be a walking tank wielding a shield in each hand! :lol [/quote] That was my actual thought process. How in the Anime you have Kayaba with his tower shield as a main defensive weapon used for blocking and bashing (rushes etc) and an off handed buckler or light shield of some sort that is akin to how Cap uses his shield in a throwing manner. Granted I lean more towards the side of the massive tank that has little damaga potential what so ever unless buffed by a party member or doesn't gain his damage until his health gets below a certain point. The lower his health the higher his damage so a war of attrition kind of guy lol. But in my head I see two shields of differing size or the same size perferably the former rather than the latter as I feel two Cap shields or two Tower shields is unyieldly and not something that could work at all in general. However having say a cap sized shield and a buckler or heater shield which is much smaller would be cool. One used more defensively the other used more offensively. [@Kessir Tarkin][@Aquanthe]